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Roberto Sanz and Álvaro Corredera - Control systems: a new solution for low energy buildings
Roberto Sanz and Álvaro Corredera - Control systems: a new solution for low energy buildings
CARTIF III is a new building that forms part of an applied research institute, called the CARTIF Technology Centre, based in Valladolid, Spain. This building is singular.
Modular facades for tailored retrofitting
Modular facades for tailored retrofitting
Innovative solutions are required to improve the energy efficiency of the existing residential building stock in Europe. But combining such innovation with better management and new business models creates unique retrofitting opportunities .
Revamping existing buildings to make them energy efficient
Revamping existing buildings to make them energy efficient
Tackling energy loss from buildings is one of the key objectives to reach greater sustainability, when it comes to energy consumption.
Energy efficient building in the public eye
Energy efficient building in the public eye
The heating and cooling of buildings take a large share in the energy consumption in Europe . The average energy consumption in the non-residential sector, such as public and industrial buildings, is estimated to be at least 40% greater than in the residential sector.
Christophe Heyndrickx: From Russia with love
Christophe Heyndrickx: From Russia with love
Christophe Heyndrickx is bio engineer in environmental and agricultural economics at research consultancy Transport and Mobility, in Leuven, Belgium.  He specialises in modelling regional and national economic policy.
Air conditioning control goes wireless
Air conditioning control goes wireless
The quest for energy efficiency has become a modern mantra. But developing new energy sources and production methods is not sufficient.
The Ecological Badminton Robot
The Ecological Badminton Robot
Wim Symens and his team pioneered the development of the first robot ever to play badminton. But this robot is only a guinea pig to test a software application designed to optimise energy efficiency in machine design.
Circularity in the building sector: What to learn from Apollo 13 and The Truman Show
Circularity in the building sector: What to learn from Apollo 13 and The Truman Show
You might have watched “The Truman Show”, been excited by space missions, and replaced your bed light without noticing it, but the movie with Jim Carrey, Apollo 13, and lightbulbs all have something in common with circularity.
Too much demand for the existing infrastructure. The renewables communities’ paradox in the energy crisis era
Too much demand for the existing infrastructure. The renewables communities’ paradox in the energy crisis era
“ At the end of last year, we were so overwhelmed that we had to start rejecting new membership demands .” Dirk Vansintjan is a board member of EcoPower , a Belgian renewable energy cooperative, founded in 1991.
Flexibility is key to building a carbon neutral power system
Flexibility is key to building a carbon neutral power system
The ongoing energy crisis, which started in summer 2021 due to low natural gas supply and which further deteriorated with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, has highlighted the urgent need for a more independent European energy policy .
Refusing to fold: can paper manufacturers face down energy challenges?
Refusing to fold: can paper manufacturers face down energy challenges?
The world of online digital media marches forward relentlessly, but many of us still prefer the feel and enjoyment of a good book in our hands, or a newspaper to while away a quiet moment.
Sustainable is beautiful
Sustainable is beautiful
In architecture, there are two kinds of sustainability: one simpler, smaller, and ethical in its relationship with the environment and with people; and another which is “fashionable”, used as a label in a speculative way, without an understanding of what it really means.
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa is a well-established Portuguese social institution that runs hospitals, nursing homes and housing projects for elderly.
From 100% renewable energy to greenwashing: 50 shades of green
From 100% renewable energy to greenwashing: 50 shades of green
Francesco is an Italian lawyer. He lives in Rome and is now about to move into a new apartment. “It’s a way to get closer to my office,” he says. “I don’t have a car, I just ride bicycle.
How battery systems can integrate renewable energy in smart grids
How battery systems can integrate renewable energy in smart grids
Wind and solar energy is not constant and therefore a renewables-based society requires smart grids to transport this power from areas where electricity generation is currently high to those where it is low in order to meet demand.
How can smart cities finance their transformation?
How can smart cities finance their transformation?
Local governments in Europe are notoriously risk averse, city council officials and industry leaders won’t hesitate to tell you.
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