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Einar Eg Nielsen – Genetically tracking farmed fish escaping into the wild
Einar Eg Nielsen – Genetically tracking farmed fish escaping into the wild
European sea product consumption is on the rise. With overfishing being a threat to the natural balance of the ocean, the alternative is to turn to aquaculture, the industrial production of fish and seafood.
Polar zone ozone and UV exposure, under closer scrutiny than ever
Polar zone ozone and UV exposure, under closer scrutiny than ever
Global changes, such as climate warming and stratospheric ozone depletion, are increasingly noticeable. Therefore, there is a need for scientists to have reliable information about atmospheric and stratospheric processes .
The road to sustainable tuna aquaculture
The road to sustainable tuna aquaculture
Atlantic Bluefin Tuna is a much sought after delicacy. Due to huge fishing pressure, tuna stocks have decreased dramatically . There are now signs of recovery, according to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas .
Forecasting pollen in the atmosphere
Forecasting pollen in the atmosphere
Runny nose, watery eyes and cough; these are the symptoms associated with respiratory allergies. About 20% to 30% of Europeans suffer from some type of respiratory allergy , according to the European Federation of Allergy and Airway Diseases Patients Associations .
Greater granularity on anthropogenic emission
Greater granularity on anthropogenic emission
Anthropogenic emissions have, until now, been collected, but not harmonised . These consist, for example, of data of nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions, smog, methane, CO 2 and even pollen and dust produced, among others by heavy industry and power plants.
Johannes Kaiser - Estimating the impact of fires on the atmosphere
Johannes Kaiser - Estimating the impact of fires on the atmosphere
Wherever fires occur, they strongly affect the air we breathe. They even affect the composition of the atmosphere on a global scale.
Forecasting desert storms to empower solar panels
Forecasting desert storms to empower solar panels
To prevent energy loss and improve the management of solar power plants scientists of the European research project MACC II in France are now developing a 5-day forecast to predict the movements of desert dust and thus will be able to inform power plant managers beforehand.
Eating Insects - New Proteins for Farm Animals
Eating Insects - New Proteins for Farm Animals
When on April 7 th World Health Day is celebrated, most experts will be blaming insects for the rising problem of vector-borne diseases. In some parts of the world, however, these little bugs are considered a healthy and tasty source of food .
Geert Bruggeman – Maggots: the perfect protein source
Geert Bruggeman – Maggots: the perfect protein source
Proteins fed to livestock are typically soya-based. But growing soya takes up valuable land that could be used for human food production. And it has a heavy carbon footprint, being imported mostly from South America.
Towards effective spatial mosquito repellent
Towards effective spatial mosquito repellent
Global warming is leading to an increase in mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria . It is considered the plague of developing countries. According to the World Health Organisation , it is responsible for one child death every minute.
Professor Kostas Iatrou – Combatting malaria using natural mosquito repellents
Professor Kostas Iatrou – Combatting malaria using natural mosquito repellents
A major challenge in combatting malaria is to develop effective yet sustainable mosquito repellents.  Now, the ENAROMaTIC project, a European effort to reduce the spread of malaria completed in 2012, may have done just that.
A pest management toolbox to reduce pesticide use
A pest management toolbox to reduce pesticide use
Reducing the level of pesticide use in agriculture is a priority in Europe . A 2009 EU Directive states that the use of pesticide must be compatible with sustainable development.
When air quality governs traffic management
When air quality governs traffic management
Poor air quality costs Europe more than €700 million per year, in health expenditures and loss of economic performance, according to official EU sources.
When urban waste become bioplastics
When urban waste become bioplastics
Each year, the European Union produces three billion tonnes of waste. This equates to six tonnes of solid waste for every EU citizen, according to Eurostat. A major challenge is findings ways to reduce and reuse a large amount of such waste .
Global solar radiation map
Global solar radiation map
Renewable energy sources play an important role in securing future energy supply and mitigating climate change.
Frédéric Chevallier and Olivier Boucher - Greenhouse gases and aerosols forecasters
Frédéric Chevallier and Olivier Boucher - Greenhouse gases and aerosols forecasters
Greenhouse gases and aerosols have an undisputed impact on climate. Long-lived greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) and methane have a well-understood warming effect.
Champions of Waste Reduction
Champions of Waste Reduction
Other regions in Europe are motivated by success stories like this one, and are now supported by a team of experts from ECOPOL to implement their new policies.
Decoding the oceans
Decoding the oceans
The Oceans are filled with a diversity of life forms. This means that getting a complete picture of marine biodiversity is challenging.
Andrea Vitaletti - Talking plants…science fiction?
Andrea Vitaletti - Talking plants…science fiction?
Plants, like almost all living organisms, have an internal communication system to respond to external stimuli. Whether they are exposed to sunlight, pollutants, nutrients or pests, plants react with a tell-tale electrical signal.
The case for low methane-emitting cattle
The case for low methane-emitting cattle
You may think that climate change is being caused by burning oil, coal and gas. But not so fast! The emission of methane from cattle is a surprisingly important factor .
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