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Italy, Renewables, Society
Evora University Courtyard
The cultural heritage challenges a sustainable future
Buildings and the construction sector are responsible for over one-third of global final energy consumption and nearly 40% of total direct and indirect CO 2 emissions .
Peer-to-peer platforms – Shaping a democratic energy model to boost renewables
Peer-to-peer platforms – Shaping a democratic energy model to boost renewables
Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms allow energy sharing and trading within a community without the binding mediation of the traditional big utilities.
Social impact of green crowdfunding
Social impact of green crowdfunding
There is growing interest in crowdfunding as an alternative way to support projects focused on renewables. This comes at a time when the green energy sector is feeling the purse strings tighten in many European countries.
How to measure the quality of life in smart cities?
How to measure the quality of life in smart cities?
From pollution levels and the number of traffic accidents to safer public spaces and more efficient heating in buildings:  to what extent can the smartness of a city be quantified?  And  is it possible to measure the quality of life  for an urban area through numerical parameters? It’s all about collecting data that is reliable and making sense of the numbers afterwards.