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United Kingdom, Romania
Solving the climate change vulnerabilities jigsaw
Solving the climate change vulnerabilities jigsaw
Climate change and socio-economic factors are interdependent . If agriculture intensifies in a particular region, that would have an impact on water sector, resulting from the irrigation use.
A balancing act for carbon stock preservation
A balancing act for carbon stock preservation
Forests and land ecosystems are the earth’s carbon reservoirs. They are key to limit the impact of greenhouse gases, as they fix those gases down.
From the horse's mouth: experts views from across Europe
From the horse's mouth: experts views from across Europe
It all started when the  Irish Food Standard Authority  realised, mid-January, that some of the burgers sold in the country (and in the UK) contained about 29% of equine DNA, upon testing.
Ragnar Löfstedt – To restore trust, food risk needs to be clear like water
Ragnar Löfstedt – To restore trust, food risk needs to be clear like water
Ragnar Löfstedt is an expert on risk management at King’s College London , UK, and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Risk Research . He spoke to youris.
Crowdsourcing biodiversity watch
Crowdsourcing biodiversity watch
Following the 2006 ban on sturgeon fishing, the Romanian town of Sfantu Gheorghe, located at the mouth of the Danube river, turned to other income source to replace its fishing based economy.
An intelligent app to teach people energy efficiency
An intelligent app to teach people energy efficiency
Energy demand is growing across many countries in the world as populations increase and people get richer. In fact, global energy consumption has risen nearly every year for more than half a century.
Women: energy empowerment
Women: energy empowerment
To date we know very little about the specific circumstances and factors that might impact women’s involvement in the transition to clean energy .
Last trends in energy-saving applications
Last trends in energy-saving applications
From home automation to bill management, our relationship with the electric systems in buildings is nowadays mainly based on the use of applications .
How supergrids can support the integration of renewable energy
How supergrids can support the integration of renewable energy
In the past, most electricity grids were mainly based on centrally produced power, in relatively few plants, within national borders.
Adele Jones - children whose parents are in jail have rights too
Adele Jones - children whose parents are in jail have rights too
The children of prisoners are one of the largest vulnerable groups of children in Europe. They carry the stigma of their parents’ deeds. And some of them are exposed to social exclusion.
How can we better care for the children of offenders?
How can we better care for the children of offenders?
It is estimated that 800,000 children throughout the European Union have an imprisoned parent. The real number is not known, because in no country do prisons systematically record data about the children of offenders.
Cleaning up behind the fashion industry
Cleaning up behind the fashion industry
The European fashion industry is a huge consumer of fresh water. Estimates point to 600 million cubic meter of fresh water being consumed yearly in Europe by the textile and clothing industry ; not a negligible amount.