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United Kingdom, Future Technologies
Supercomputers inspire artworks
Supercomputers inspire artworks
New media artists Špela Petrič and Miha Turšič - Credit: Špela Petrič and Miha Turšič Discovering the “intended and unintended meaning” of algorithms to produce artworks.
Shaping our future: the radical technologies of tomorrow
Shaping our future: the radical technologies of tomorrow
Visionary, high-risk, long-term and breaking down traditional boundaries. These are just some of the key ingredients in breakthrough technologies being targeted by FET researchers across Europe.
Being human to be Smart: the cities’ challenge in the AI era
Being human to be Smart: the cities’ challenge in the AI era
It’s all about connection. This is the key to making a city “smart”, say the smart people working on the subject. And by “connection”, they mean not only the technological kind but especially the human one.
Cover poto by XR Expo on Unsplash
Touching the air may be possible with new research on haptics
“Computer, end program”. A fan of Star Trek science fiction TV series will immediately recognise this instruction. It is given to shut down the holodeck, where virtual reality becomes as tangible as actual reality itself.
Programming the forces of evolution
Programming the forces of evolution
The genius of evolution is rarely seen in action, so the invisible hand guiding the direction of biological systems is often taken for granted.
Superfast all-RAM processors could bring high-performance computers to the masses
Superfast all-RAM processors could bring high-performance computers to the masses
Today’s computer processors are pretty fast. Under optimal conditions, a desktop can come close to teraflop speeds, which is a million million operations per second .
Levitation becomes a reality
Levitation becomes a reality
Levitation is an old dream of humankind. For centuries, magicians gave audiences the illusion of defying gravity, seemingly making objects of people float into the air. Now European scientists are turning this into reality.
How machines can learn from human behaviour
How machines can learn from human behaviour
Could a human behaviour simulator be embedded into a robot or online avatar to the point that it’s hard to distinguish between a real person or artificial intelligence? Scientists have been upping the stakes in this “ Turing test ” for years, to the point that human-mimicking programmes are ready to answer tricky questions, assist people with online shopping or be companions.
Life is LiFi in smart buildings
Life is LiFi in smart buildings
Just imagine: you get back home one evening, unlocking your door with the torch light of your mobile. You sit down on your sofa, download a film 100 times faster than currently possible and enjoy the movie on a fully secure wireless connection.
Improving the imperfect: photosynthesis for the future
Improving the imperfect: photosynthesis for the future
Despite its splendour and beauty, nature is full of imperfections. Indeed, the process of natural selection relies upon minor errors in genetic duplication to produce new variants, better suited to a given environment.
The race toward exascale supercomputing targets 2020
The race toward exascale supercomputing targets 2020
Exascale is an artificial milestone figure represented by the number one followed by eighteen zeros. Exascale computers will be able to perform a quintillion calculations per second, and they are expected to consume only 20 MW of power.
The semiotics of supercomputers
The semiotics of supercomputers
Exascale supercomputing refers to super fast computers to be implemented between 2018 and 2020 to analyse massive volumes of data. The downside: they consume vast amounts of energy.