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Denmark, Society
Saving our Cultural Heritage
Saving our Cultural Heritage
Parchment, made from partially-tanned animal skin, has been used since the 2nd century B.C. and it undergoes the irreparable damage caused by time.
Image credits: Espaço Municipal
Cities for all: when inclusivity is key for tackling climate challenge
Where once there were tanks, today there is a residential centre for the disabled , an art laboratory for people with mental health problems, a training centre for immigrants and ex-convicts, a restaurant, a hall for cultural events and a co-working space.
Rapid tests for coronavirus and their accuracy
Rapid tests for coronavirus and their accuracy
Since the World Health Organisation declared  COVID-19 a pandemic , progress has been made on testing, tracing and treating people infected with the virus, and industries have developed  several vaccines in a record time.
Smart city: enthusiasm but caution on new 5G technology
Smart city: enthusiasm but caution on new 5G technology
Long-touted advances of smart cities may finally become reality with the increases to wireless network speeds and bandwidths promised by the switch to 5G .
Making plastic toys from biomass
Making plastic toys from biomass
Plastic toys are everywhere and with good reason: plastic is great for making toys. It is cheap and durable, and can be moulded into pretty much any shape.
Sheltering rising population from storm water
Sheltering rising population from storm water
Storm water is a critical consideration in managing urban water , as it influences the risks of flooding. Unfortunately, a global rise in urban population means that water management in urban areas is now under strain.
Clare Hall – who are the trusted sources of food safety information?
Clare Hall – who are the trusted sources of food safety information? talks to Clare Hall, social science researcher at the Scottish Agricultural College in Edinburgh, UK, about the best ways to effectively inform the public about food safety in relation to pathogens responsible for foodborne diseases.
From the horse's mouth: experts views from across Europe
From the horse's mouth: experts views from across Europe
It all started when the  Irish Food Standard Authority  realised, mid-January, that some of the burgers sold in the country (and in the UK) contained about 29% of equine DNA, upon testing.