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Ute de Groot, Spain, Energy
District Heating 2.0
District Heating 2.0
Today´s liberalised markets are focused on short-term return on capital, but energy infrastructure planning should be driven by the objective of climate protection.
Is it worth renovating old buildings?
Is it worth renovating old buildings?
Spain is known as a land of sun and heat. But even here there are regions that have to face icy winter temperatures. In Valladolid , in the north of the country, many of the almost 300,000 inhabitants are in poorly isolated buildings built in the 1960s.
The human factor in saving energy
The human factor in saving energy
From 21 to 25  May the EU Green Week is exploring ways to accelerate sustainable urban transformation.
A green revolution in the heart of Spain
A green revolution in the heart of Spain
Experts believe that by 2030 more than 6 billion people will live in urban areas , which means 7 0% of global population . It is about time that cities make their buildings smarter : more efficient, green and livable.
A Smart Building to save Energy
A Smart Building to save Energy
These weather conditions are a challenge to construct a smart building that can save energy throughout the year.