Esegui ricerca
Michael Allen, Food, Bioeconomy
Brexit: an opportunity for local food systems?
Brexit: an opportunity for local food systems?
With the UK currently set to crash out of the European Union on 31 October, Britons are particularly worried about their food supplies .
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
If you walk into a council office or a recycling centre in Germany today you might see a poster for the #wirfuerbio campaign , which states that no plastics including compostable plastics should be added to organic bins.
Long live your food
Long live your food
Industrial food treatment processes need to tackle bacteria that can spoil food . These microorganisms, although non-pathogenic, can make food products unpalatable and affect how long they can be stored for.
Fighting botulism: new technique to process food
Fighting botulism: new technique to process food
Food borne botulism is a rare, but potentially fatal disease. According to the World Health Organisation the toxins that cause the illness are some of the most lethal substances known.