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Alexander Hellemans, The Netherlands, Germany
Light-emitting silicon: no longer a “holy grail” for computing
Light-emitting silicon: no longer a “holy grail” for computing
Over the last 50 years photons, the particles that make up light, have replaced electrons to transfer data in communication networks.
Buildings rising from the ashes
Buildings rising from the ashes
Urban mining is increasingly being taken seriously by industry because it gives access to materials—such as expensive metals used in electronics—that are buried in waste tips and landfills.
When recycling equates with quality raw materials
When recycling equates with quality raw materials
Twenty five years ago, the German chemist Michael Braungart developed a new approach to recycling, now called "Cradle to Cradle" or "C2C" after the book, Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, which he and the American architect William McDonough published in 2002.
Biomass bonanza as plastics’ raw materials
Biomass bonanza as plastics’ raw materials
Increasingly, many of the plastic products we use every day are no longer based on petroleum raw material . Instead, they are made from biomass such as starch, sugar, corn and other sources that also happen to be food products.