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Slashers: the new frontier of the independent workforce
Slashers: the new frontier of the independent workforce
Sabrina is an Italian graphic designer, an editorial project manager and a graphologist. She is one of the European “slash workers” : self-employed professionals who put a slash between their multiple jobs in different sectors .
From the horse's mouth: experts views from across Europe
From the horse's mouth: experts views from across Europe
It all started when the  Irish Food Standard Authority  realised, mid-January, that some of the burgers sold in the country (and in the UK) contained about 29% of equine DNA, upon testing.
Plastic waste set in concrete
Plastic waste set in concrete
In Europe more than 12 million tonnes of mixed plastic waste are dumped on landfills every year, according to a report from NUMIX scientists. The recycling of plastic into usable products has proven difficult .