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Sorina Buzatu, Turkey
Recycling CO2… It’s a work of art!
Recycling CO2… It’s a work of art!
A book of learning experiences, in which every chapter is explained through a piece of art. The theme: the transformation of CO 2 into something useful, using man-made diamonds.
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
The pioneering city of Stuttgart, Germany, was one the first to apply an innovative financing scheme back in 1995 and since then it has been bearing its fruit: energy-efficiency funding has reduced the city’s CO 2 emissions by tens of thousands of tonnes.
Turkey: Izmir drives smart city development in the country
Turkey: Izmir drives smart city development in the country
It is one of the oldest port cities in history. Located on a large bay along the Aegean Sea, Izmir has enjoyed being a gateway to the world, thanks to its favourable position, at the crossroads of western and eastern civilizations.
Turkey's solar market has started 'teething'
Turkey's solar market has started 'teething'
Turkey has started considering its own sources to generate electricity as a way to make it less  dependent on fossil fuels, which account for 90% of the country’s current energy supply.
A hundred percent greener outlook for cities in Turkey
A hundred percent greener outlook for cities in Turkey
Turkey’s energy production for urban areas could be 100% based on renewables within 30 years if appropriate public policy is implemented.
Turkish hospital retrofitting makes sustainable energy use case study
Turkish hospital retrofitting makes sustainable energy use case study
Three public non-residential buildings will be revamped during the next four years in three countries with different climates; namely in Turkey, Belgium and Spain.