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United Kingdom, Health
The art of enrolling preterm babies in clinical trials
The art of enrolling preterm babies in clinical trials
Around the world more and more babies are born preterm, according to a WHO report from 2012. Despite medical advances, very small preterm infants may suffer from various complications and diseases, or even die .
Parasite surveillance to support policy against drug resistance
Parasite surveillance to support policy against drug resistance
Leishmaniasis is a tropical disease known in Europe because it affects dogs. It is caused by the Leishmania parasite carried by sandflies . However, several types of the parasite also affect humans in several regions in the world.
Mum’s diet mirrors child’s food allergies
Mum’s diet mirrors child’s food allergies
About 20 million Europeans are subject to food allergies. Now scientists are looking at these allergies in new ways. It involves the food industry in its work and pays special attention to the link between early diets and allergy in later life .
New therapy against rare gene defects
New therapy against rare gene defects
European scientists set up new therapeutic approaches to tackle specific Lysosomal Storage Disorders: a new drug combination and enzyme replacement therapy against Pompe disease and gene therapy against MPS V I (Mucopolysaccharidosis VI).
Brain model pins down motor decisions
Brain model pins down motor decisions
Talking or reading. Texting a message or listening. The dilemma of choosing between various tasks is not an invention of the modern information age. Humans and all vertebrates have to prioritise their actions.
Towards effective spatial mosquito repellent
Towards effective spatial mosquito repellent
Global warming is leading to an increase in mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria . It is considered the plague of developing countries. According to the World Health Organisation , it is responsible for one child death every minute.
Better diagnostics for thrombosis are a matter of resources
Better diagnostics for thrombosis are a matter of resources
Cost-effectiveness is paramount for any new medical technology. If pharmaceutical companies do not see a profit, new drugs will never see the light of day.
When air quality governs traffic management
When air quality governs traffic management
Poor air quality costs Europe more than €700 million per year, in health expenditures and loss of economic performance, according to official EU sources.
When your water is contaminated
When your water is contaminated
Statistically, drinking water in Europe is the safest in the world. But according to the World Health Organisation every year more than 300.000 Europeans are falling ill due to contaminated tab water. ...
Maria Leon Roux – a taxation approach to deter smokers
Maria Leon Roux – a taxation approach to deter smokers
The International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) has produced a handbook detailing the scientific evidence on tobacco pricing and tobacco control entitled: Effectiveness of Tax and Price Policies for Tobacco Control .
To save lives, raise tobacco taxes
To save lives, raise tobacco taxes
Smoking is the largest single cause of preventable premature death and disease , accounting for some 650,000 premature deaths each year in the European Union, according to official EU statistics.
Advances in Treating Huntington’s Disease
Advances in Treating Huntington’s Disease
Juliet Ross is suffering from Huntington’s Disease, a rare neurological disorder that affects one in 10.000 people. Due to a genetic defect, her body produces a toxic protein that damages neurons in her brain .
New Blood Test for Schizophrenia
New Blood Test for Schizophrenia
This test evaluates the presence of certain proteins in blood samples of patients. Sabine Bahn from the University of Cambridge says that the new test is able to diagnose schizophrenia with a certainty of 83% and depression with a certainty of about 90% .
Sabine Bahn: biomarkers to diagnose severe psychotic disorders
Sabine Bahn: biomarkers to diagnose severe psychotic disorders
Sabine Bahn is a neurobiologist, psychiatrist and director of the Cambridge Centre for Neuropsychiatric Research at the University of Cambridge, UK.
Schizophrenia enters the molecular diagnostics era
Schizophrenia enters the molecular diagnostics era
With a drop of blood and some laboratory analyses, doctors have been able to tell patients whether they suffer from diabetes or some sort of cancer.
Good risk communication, safer food
Good risk communication, safer food
Food scare make authorities uneasy. In previous cases, national food safety agencies have not always known how to react , making the public wary. For example, in 2011, the German health authorities incorrectly linked the deadly E.
Speed is everything when fighting sepsis
Speed is everything when fighting sepsis
Sepsis, commonly known as blood poisoning, is a bacterial infection of the blood. It is dangerous for adults. And it is often mortal for young children, if left untreated.
Nasal vaccine: towards an alternative to injection for infants
Nasal vaccine: towards an alternative to injection for infants
Whooping cough and bronchiolitis are respiratory infections frequently affecting young children. In particular, infants under three months are very sensitive to these illnesses, which can lead to death in the most severe cases .
New Vaccine to Protect Babies from Whooping Cough
New Vaccine to Protect Babies from Whooping Cough
In Europe, whooping cough ( Pertussis ) is in the increase, with more than 20.000 cases reported annually . Often infants fall victim to the disease, where it can be life-threatening.
Nicolas Mouz - progressing towards an efficient HIV vaccine
Nicolas Mouz - progressing towards an efficient HIV vaccine
European researchers have designed two new vaccine candidates to fight the HIV virus. These have been developed within the EU-funded project EURONEUT 41 .
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