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United Kingdom, Daily life, Health
Soy filters: a cheap solution for air purification
Soy filters: a cheap solution for air purification
Researchers in the US have developed bio-based air filters that they claim can capture toxic chemicals that current filters can’t.
Can sustainable office buildings increase workers’ productivity?
Can sustainable office buildings increase workers’ productivity?
Efforts to make buildings environmentally sustainable often focus on the technical side, such as energy efficiency. But there is more to sustainability than just energy efficiency.
Maria Leon Roux – a taxation approach to deter smokers
Maria Leon Roux – a taxation approach to deter smokers
The International Agency for Research on Cancer ( IARC ) has produced a handbook detailing the scientific evidence on tobacco pricing and tobacco control entitled: Effectiveness of Tax and Price Policies for Tobacco Control .
To save lives, raise tobacco taxes
To save lives, raise tobacco taxes
Smoking is the largest single cause of preventable premature death and disease , accounting for some 650,000 premature deaths each year in the European Union, according to official EU statistics.