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Daily life
Junk-free pizza, engineered to please taste buds
Junk-free pizza, engineered to please taste buds
Many diseases occurring in industrial countries, such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, stroke or certain cancers are linked to malnutrition. The trouble is that one in two people in Europe is overweight or obese .
Søren Balling Engelsen: how molecules pinpoint deficient diets
Søren Balling Engelsen: how molecules pinpoint deficient diets
Until now, we have had very little understanding of the extent of malnutrition in Europe, especially in populations at risk of poverty. Now, an EU-funded project called CHANCE , aims to address the dietary habits in people with inadequate nutrition.
User awareness key to effective energy monitoring
User awareness key to effective energy monitoring
Energy efficiency has become a key objective in the current context of increasing energy demand, decreasing resources and global warming. Key to efficient energy savings, however, are users' awareness and behaviour.
Strong resistance to making people think green
Strong resistance to making people think green
How can policymakers change the way people think? This is what the InContext project, funded by the EU, hopes to answer. Leading European research institutions in the fields of transition, behaviour and sustainable development are trying to create a manual for change.
Local input key in multi-risk planning decisions
Local input key in multi-risk planning decisions
Landslides and floods are increasingly occurring natural events . They continue to damage infrastructures and farmland across the EU. Meanwhile, they are also putting people’s life at risk.
Nanosilver in textiles – friend or foe?
Nanosilver in textiles – friend or foe?
Silver has been used as biocide for medical purposes since the 1930s. Today nanometric size silver particles are used to prevent unpleasant odour caused by bacteria in sport shirts or socks .
Guy Weets – Protecting African cities against climate-change disasters
Guy Weets – Protecting African cities against climate-change disasters
Guy Weets, a telecommunications engineer and consultant for the research centre AMRA (Analysis and Monitoring of Environmental Risk) in Naples, is the scientific coordinator of the CLUVA project, funded by the EU.
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