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Shielding the Grid to Foster Renewables: the Cybersecurity Challenge
Shielding the Grid to Foster Renewables: the Cybersecurity Challenge
In the mid-90s, when he was 9 to 12 years old, Tommy DeVoss broke into the computer systems of global fast-food and pharmaceutical companies. He also hacked into organisations such as the US government, the US military, and NASA .
Circular is better: recyclable buildings to save the planet
Circular is better: recyclable buildings to save the planet
Maguy Soldevila is a former art teacher. Some years ago, she quit the frenzy and the pollution of the French city of Lyon to move into a typical house of the 1960s, in the small village of Sail-sous-Couzan.
Pandemic semiconductor problems are set to shape electric vehicle battery manufacturing
Pandemic semiconductor problems are set to shape electric vehicle battery manufacturing
With buyers facing unusually long delays between ordering and receiving new cars, car manufacturers are pivoting to make key components, including semiconductor chips and lithium-ion batteries .
Transformation in Antalya for a smarter, low-carbon future
Transformation in Antalya for a smarter, low-carbon future
The Turkish city of Antalya, on the country’s southwest coast, is perhaps best known internationally as a holiday destination. But as one of Turkey’s largest cities, Antalya is home to around 2.
Taking the heat: how innovation could slash emissions from oil and gas refining
Taking the heat: how innovation could slash emissions from oil and gas refining
The global transition from an economy underpinned by fossil fuels to an economy powered by renewable energy is well underway. The pace of that transition, however, has come under scrutiny – especially at the recent COP26 climate summit in Glasgow.
Powering the future: energy partnerships for sustainable smart cities
Powering the future: energy partnerships for sustainable smart cities
Cities, with their concentration of services, economic opportunity, mobility and social interaction, have proved endlessly attractive to humans.
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa is a well-established Portuguese social institution that runs hospitals, nursing homes and housing projects for elderly.
From 100% renewable energy to greenwashing: 50 shades of green
From 100% renewable energy to greenwashing: 50 shades of green
Francesco is an Italian lawyer. He lives in Rome and is now about to move into a new apartment. “It’s a way to get closer to my office,” he says. “I don’t have a car, I just ride bicycle.
Shifting ground: the changing face of construction and buildings
Shifting ground: the changing face of construction and buildings
Buildings stand at the epicentre of the climate change and sustainability debate, as discussions at the recent COP26 conference demonstrated.
Bauhaus coming full-circle: sustainable buildings in a resource-efficient economy
Bauhaus coming full-circle: sustainable buildings in a resource-efficient economy
In the world of invention, innovation and design, very little goes to waste. And in today’s ideas-hungry world, the achievements of decades past are all ripe for reimagination.
Sharing power to foster renewables: the cooperatives model
Sharing power to foster renewables: the cooperatives model
María Regidor co-owns a mini-hydro power plant in Spain, which produces part of the electricity provided to the residents of the Castile and León region.
New digital tools to change our behaviours and save energy
New digital tools to change our behaviours and save energy
Forming attitudes is hard. It may be exciting to start a new habit, but it’s challenging to make it stick. This may often happen when we try to go green, consume less energy and constantly follow virtuous behaviours in the buildings where we live and work.
An intelligent app to teach people energy efficiency
An intelligent app to teach people energy efficiency
Energy demand is growing across many countries in the world as populations increase and people get richer. In fact, global energy consumption has risen nearly every year for more than half a century.
Doubling lithium battery energy density – A chat with Nobel prize winner M. Stanley Whittingham
Doubling lithium battery energy density – A chat with Nobel prize winner M. Stanley Whittingham
The success of lithium-ion batteries is so great that it’s easy to ignore how common they now are – except on the rare occasion one bursts into flames. That success arguably originated with M.
Evora University Courtyard
The cultural heritage challenges a sustainable future
Buildings and the construction sector are responsible for over one-third of global final energy consumption and nearly 40% of total direct and indirect CO 2 emissions .
Silicon carbide (SiC) devices for the next-generation of electric vehicles
Silicon carbide (SiC) devices for the next-generation of electric vehicles
Sales of battery-electric vehicles (BEVs) are increasing as consumers and automakers alike benefit from European government subsidies for electric vehicles.
Why reducing drivetrain size can make electric cars even greener
Why reducing drivetrain size can make electric cars even greener
Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are starting to win market share in Europe, as consumers opt for cleaner technology and lawmakers strengthen emissions rules for automakers in a bid to bring down pollution levels.
Peer-to-peer platforms – Shaping a democratic energy model to boost renewables
Peer-to-peer platforms – Shaping a democratic energy model to boost renewables
Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms allow energy sharing and trading within a community without the binding mediation of the traditional big utilities.
Brexit and the UK’s decarbonisation efforts: a hit or a miss?
Brexit and the UK’s decarbonisation efforts: a hit or a miss?
In the summer 2019 Britain was the first G7 member to incorporate a new commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 into law. Since then the country has maintained ambitious green targets for the coming years.
Rebound behaviours, nudges, competition: energy saving is a matter of mindset
Rebound behaviours, nudges, competition: energy saving is a matter of mindset
Understanding how people decide to use less energy at home or at work is crucial to boost virtuous behaviours. Our reaction to any novelty is so complex that a lot of socio-psychological research has been done to try to make it more predictable.
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