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19 January 2011

Carbon Trust: business leaders still reluctant to invest in 'Green Growth'

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Survey reveals only one in eight business leaders believe UK is nation best placed to take advantage of green growth

That is the conclusion of a new survey commissioned by the Carbon Trust, which today reveals that the majority of business leaders are reluctant to step up investment in green products and services, despite recognising that low carbon growth is essential to the long-term health of the economy.

The survey of more than 700 senior executives found that while 92 per cent believe green growth represents an opportunity for their business, only a third are actually investing money in the research and development of green products and services.

The green policy environment was widely blamed for the reluctance to invest with only one in eight respondents claiming the UK was the best prepared country for delivering green growth, compared to 34 per cent who said that Germany is leading the development of the low carbon economy.


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