Esegui ricerca
Germany, Austria
Wearing wood for a low-carbon life
Wearing wood for a low-carbon life
“Wood may be present in people’s life more than we think”, says Mariana Hassegawa, a researcher at the European Forest Institute . She is one of the authors of a case study on new wood-based products by the BioMonitor EU project.
Powering the future: energy partnerships for sustainable smart cities
Powering the future: energy partnerships for sustainable smart cities
Cities, with their concentration of services, economic opportunity, mobility and social interaction, have proved endlessly attractive to humans.
Shifting ground: the changing face of construction and buildings
Shifting ground: the changing face of construction and buildings
Buildings stand at the epicentre of the climate change and sustainability debate, as discussions at the recent COP26 conference demonstrated.
Bauhaus coming full-circle: sustainable buildings in a resource-efficient economy
Bauhaus coming full-circle: sustainable buildings in a resource-efficient economy
In the world of invention, innovation and design, very little goes to waste. And in today’s ideas-hungry world, the achievements of decades past are all ripe for reimagination.
Bike, bus, metro, foot: going intermodal
Bike, bus, metro, foot: going intermodal
Global transport accounts for almost one quarter of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, and the proportion is rising.
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
If you walk into a council office or a recycling centre in Germany today you might see a poster for the #wirfuerbio campaign , which states that no plastics including compostable plastics should be added to organic bins.
Lizard skins and bark bugs inspire energy saving materials
Lizard skins and bark bugs inspire energy saving materials
Biomimicry , also called bionics, uses structures found in nature to solve everyday problems. A well-known example is the Velcro strip , which a Swiss engineer, Georges de Mestral copied from the burdocks that stuck to his dog and clothes on a walk through the fields.
High-risk research returns
High-risk research returns
“When I grab something hard, then I can feel it in the fingertips, which is strange, as I don’t have them anymore. It’s amazing,” said Robin af Ekenstam , who lost his hand when an aggressive tumour was discovered on his right wrist.
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
In our fast-moving world, biotech is at the forefront of developments – but, by its very nature, it can provoke ethical and moral concerns .
Crossing borders to crowdfund renewables
Crossing borders to crowdfund renewables
Renewable energy crowdfunding involves three different parties: the fundraising platform, the investors  who generally expect a return, and project developers needing money. They may come from different nations .
Do microbes control our mood?
Do microbes control our mood?
If aliens were to examine a human, they would think we were just slavish organisms designed to feed microbes and carry them around. Our bodies contain ten times more bacteria than cells , and there are an estimated 3.
Resilient seeds - Nurturing the future of agriculture
Resilient seeds - Nurturing the future of agriculture
For the first time in its history, the Global Seed Vault on the Svalbard Islands, Norway, has authorised a withdrawal. It was requested in 2015 by Syria, a country where the war is endangering the local agricultural seed collections.
The sun is shining… Let’s prepare for severe weather!
The sun is shining… Let’s prepare for severe weather!
As well as being a time for celebration, winter in Europe is a time for serious weather. Blizzards, flash floods, hurricanes, heavy snow fall can cause chaos, major disruption, economic loss, and endanger lives.
Clean energies in need of a long term vision
Clean energies in need of a long term vision
The European grid already faces transmission challenges, as the alternative current (AC) infrastructure has almost reached its transport capacity.
Forecasting pollen in the atmosphere
Forecasting pollen in the atmosphere
Runny nose, watery eyes and cough; these are the symptoms associated with respiratory allergies. About 20% to 30% of Europeans suffer from some type of respiratory allergy , according to the European Federation of Allergy and Airway Diseases Patients Associations .
Healing bone defects using regenerative medicine
Healing bone defects using regenerative medicine
Bone is one of the most frequently transplanted tissues. And the demand is rising. Transplants treat large defects like those caused by trauma, complicated fractures, tumour resection or osteoporosis. ...
European hospitals compare notes on pain management to improve care
European hospitals compare notes on pain management to improve care
Millions of people undergo surgery each year. Many of them suffer from moderate to severe pain afterwards. This post-operative pain may impede recovery or even lead on into chronic pain .
When urban waste become bioplastics
When urban waste become bioplastics
Each year, the European Union produces three billion tonnes of waste. This equates to six tonnes of solid waste for every EU citizen, according to Eurostat. A major challenge is findings ways to reduce and reuse a large amount of such waste .
Diet’s impact on Alzheimer’s dementia tested
Diet’s impact on Alzheimer’s dementia tested
Scientists have long known that high levels of cholesterol around mid-life greatly increase the risk of developing dementia 30 years later.
Making Europe’s cultural heritage more energy efficient
Making Europe’s cultural heritage more energy efficient
A well-accepted measure for climate protection involves reducing greenhouse gas emissions . And buildings have the greatest energy saving potential, according to the official EU Energy Efficiency Plan 2011 .
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