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Spain, Energy
Sharing power to foster renewables: the cooperatives model
Sharing power to foster renewables: the cooperatives model
María Regidor co-owns a mini-hydro power plant in Spain, which produces part of the electricity provided to the residents of the Castile and León region.
New digital tools to change our behaviours and save energy
New digital tools to change our behaviours and save energy
Forming attitudes is hard. It may be exciting to start a new habit, but it’s challenging to make it stick. This may often happen when we try to go green, consume less energy and constantly follow virtuous behaviours in the buildings where we live and work.
An intelligent app to teach people energy efficiency
An intelligent app to teach people energy efficiency
Energy demand is growing across many countries in the world as populations increase and people get richer. In fact, global energy consumption has risen nearly every year for more than half a century.
Peer-to-peer platforms – Shaping a democratic energy model to boost renewables
Peer-to-peer platforms – Shaping a democratic energy model to boost renewables
Peer-to-peer (P2P) platforms allow energy sharing and trading within a community without the binding mediation of the traditional big utilities.
Brexit and the UK’s decarbonisation efforts: a hit or a miss?
Brexit and the UK’s decarbonisation efforts: a hit or a miss?
In the summer 2019 Britain was the first G7 member to incorporate a new commitment to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 into law. Since then the country has maintained ambitious green targets for the coming years.
Climate change fight still makes the EU headlines during the Covid-19 crisis
Climate change fight still makes the EU headlines during the Covid-19 crisis
The economic consequences of the Covid-19 pandemic should not delay the European Union's ambitious climate change measures. The Commission has confirmed that the work on long-term policy priorities such as the Green Deal is continuing.
Women: energy empowerment
Women: energy empowerment
To date we know very little about the specific circumstances and factors that might impact women’s involvement in the transition to clean energy .
Last trends in energy-saving applications
Last trends in energy-saving applications
From home automation to bill management, our relationship with the electric systems in buildings is nowadays mainly based on the use of applications .
Smart city and wise city
Smart city and wise city
The notion of “smart city” has grown in popularity during the last twenty years. Digital revolution fans believe that communication technologies will radically transform our cities, offering a vast range of new services that will simplify our daily life.
Building renovations: social aid to accept the change
Building renovations: social aid to accept the change
If energy-saving measures came knocking at the door, wouldn't it be reassuring to have someone on hand to help you navigate the benefits and inconvenience, someone to help dispel your doubts? This is what is happening in Zaragoza, Spain, where social workers are helping the dwellers of a block of council flats.
Smart 3D modelling for buildings
Smart 3D modelling for buildings
It is one of the most famous museums in the world, with more than one million visitors every year. If you happen to visit Bilbao, Spain, you can’t miss the Guggenheim .
Energy's got game
Energy's got game
Playing games could be a solution to saving energy. Using energy more efficiently is, of course, a crucial part of fighting climate change, since oil and fossil fuels continue to be the most important energy source in the world, including Europe .
District Heating 2.0
District Heating 2.0
Today´s liberalised markets are focused on short-term return on capital, but energy infrastructure planning should be driven by the objective of climate protection.
Twenty-two million smart homes in Europe: from science-fiction to reality
Twenty-two million smart homes in Europe: from science-fiction to reality
Door locks that open with fingerprints, networked security cameras, smart light bulbs, smart washing machines: technology is transforming our homes, turning the tech dreams of yesterday into the reality of today.
Home sweet (hemp) home
Home sweet (hemp) home
Building with wood, straw, and hemp. Biobased materials are seeing ever more use in the construction sector, which needs to become more sustainable as it is one of the major sources of soil, air and water pollution.
When citizen engagement makes the difference
When citizen engagement makes the difference
Thirty-one apartment buildings comprising 140,000 m 2 of floor space: Europe’s most ambitious energy-saving renovation project is transforming Torrelago, a residential district of Valladolid in central Spain.
Renovating buildings to save energy
Renovating buildings to save energy
  In the suburbs of Valladolid, a city in central Spain, a district is at the forefront of Europe's energy transition.
Is it worth renovating old buildings?
Is it worth renovating old buildings?
Spain is known as a land of sun and heat. But even here there are regions that have to face icy winter temperatures. In Valladolid , in the north of the country, many of the almost 300,000 inhabitants are in poorly isolated buildings built in the 1960s.
Offshore wind farms: too much energy is lost in cables
Offshore wind farms: too much energy is lost in cables
Offshore wind farms play an increasingly important role in renewable power generation. According to WindEurope, Europe now has a total installed offshore wind capacity of 15,780 MW.
The human factor in saving energy
The human factor in saving energy
From 21 to 25  May the EU Green Week is exploring ways to accelerate sustainable urban transformation.
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