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United Kingdom, Ecobuilding, Energy
Going Green: Nottingham's hi-tech transport becomes EU model
Going Green: Nottingham's hi-tech transport becomes EU model
Nottingham is famous for the legend of Robin Hood and lace-making. But it’s also helping to revolutionise how we get around.
Bio-based insulation materials: the construction industry's best kept secret?
Bio-based insulation materials: the construction industry's best kept secret?
Good news for those planning to build a new home: novel insulation materials based on plant waste , such as straw, clay and grasses could offer 20% better insulation than traditional materials.
Learning from new very low energy buildings
Learning from new very low energy buildings
To tackle climate change, new buildings are required to consume as little energy as possible . That’s because, in Europe, buildings are responsible for about 40% of our energy consumption.
User awareness key to effective energy monitoring
User awareness key to effective energy monitoring
Energy efficiency has become a key objective in the current context of increasing energy demand, decreasing resources and global warming. Key to efficient energy savings, however, are users' awareness and behaviour.
The big picture is the greener picture
The big picture is the greener picture
The building sector has become much greener. To get such credentials it has adopted methods borrowed from other industries, such as life cycle analysis ( LCA ), which looks at the environmental impact of a building at every stage from its creation to its decommissioning.
Peer pressure helps cut households energy use
Peer pressure helps cut households energy use
It was developed under the €2.88 million EU funded Digital Environment Home Energy Management System ( DEHEMS ) project. A number of plug-in home energy monitoring meters are already available on the market.
Growing Ecologic Buildings
Growing Ecologic Buildings
Reducing the energy requirements of buildings is an absolute priority in Europe. The energy demonstration project SARA has developed several public-access eco-buildings in France, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, UK and Uzbekistan.
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