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Eat sustainable to change the world: the power is on your plate Eat sustainable to change the world: the power is on your plate

Our food choices shape the planet. From farms to our plates, sustainable eating impacts biodiversity, climate, and social justice. A travelling exhibition and a visionary farmer are working to transform the global food system. One bite at a time. 

January 2025
Make it fun, make it count: how serious games help cut food waste Make it fun, make it count: how serious games help cut food waste

Pieces of food disappearing into a bin with every wrong answer and neighbours crafting recipes together with vegetables from their “edible district”. Where dry statistics fail, fun and emotions prove powerful tools for raising awareness about food waste and food sharing. Challenges remain, but experts agree: “Serious games have enormous potential to mobilise and engage communities in environmental education”.

November 2024
Elena Mozhvilo by Unsplash “Reinventing the wheel” in the struggle to cut global waste: the food upcycling challenge

Food waste is a large contributor to global warming. Increasing efforts are being made to “upcycle” ingredients that are not normally eaten, but “time is running out", says the International Food Waste Coalition. Can the agri-food industry turn the tide in the drive for sustainability?

March 2024
Food sharing: From group kitchens to cutting waste, the drive for a sustainable future Food sharing: From group kitchens to cutting waste, the drive for a sustainable future

Locals and refugees cooking and eating together, “edible neighbourhoods” and surplus redistribution. How a digital compass will help people get oriented among food sharing schemes and issue a call to policy makers: “Resilient urban systems and fostering people’s engagement are key to saving the planet”.

September 2023
Brexit: an opportunity for local food systems? Brexit: an opportunity for local food systems?

Brexit presents big risks for food supply in the UK, but could it also offer an opportunity for the country to change the way it produces and sells food? Maybe, but only if the government step-ups and takes local food systems seriously

October 2019
Logistics: the Achilles' heel of the short food supply chain Logistics: the Achilles' heel of the short food supply chain

From the ‘uberisation’ of last mile delivery to the use of smart lockers, from the offer of ready-to-eat products to the constant search for higher produce quality: how short food supply chain (SFSC) producers may face distribution costs and compete with supermarkets

August 2019
Short food supply chains: setting another place at the table Short food supply chains: setting another place at the table

Ever more citizens are opting for short food supply network to get fresh local produce. They bypass supermarkets and support sustainable agriculture. However, this is often the prerogative of an educated and activist population. The challenge is to involve more disadvantaged people

June 2019
Blockchain from farm to fork Blockchain from farm to fork

Blockchain is mostly known in finance as a technology linked to cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin. However one of the most innovative applications relates to the food sector, which can use this technology to get more transparent supply chains

November 2018
Short food supply chain: unity makes strength Short food supply chain: unity makes strength

Stories of European farms that make profitable food supply systems "from farm to fork" show that networking is crucial

July 2018
Hot food under pressure Hot food under pressure

European researchers carried out final tests on an innovative technique to lengthen shelf life of food

November 2017
Smoother ice creams, greener peas and ecological tomatoes Smoother ice creams, greener peas and ecological tomatoes

Three projects on novel food processing took the stage at the international conference of the European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) to present their findings

November 2017
Zero miles to our mouths: shortening food supply chains Zero miles to our mouths: shortening food supply chains

New technologies are being used to cut the distance our food travels from source to table. It could revolutionise the way we buy and consume groceries in future, boosting the sale of local produce and landing fresher fare on our plates

September 2017
Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future? Organic waste and insects: animal feed of the future?

Right now, the European Union doesn’t have enough animal feed of its own to nourish livestock, forcing it to bring in supplies from beyond the bloc’s borders. To face this unsustainable dependency, researchers are looking for alternative protein sources

August 2017
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease? Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?

Lentils and broccoli, algae and insects: science is investigating traditional and new diets in a bid to reduce the risks of us getting ill

August 2017
Long live your food Long live your food

Can a novel technique, which combines high pressure with temperature, be the ace in the hole of the food industry to tackle bacteria, reduce the energy required for food processing and improve quality as well?

May 2017
Fighting botulism: new technique to process food Fighting botulism: new technique to process food

Combining high pressure and temperature for food processing could produce high quality products that stay fresh for weeks. But can it safely tackle deadly food borne illnesses such as botulism?

March 2017
How safe is seafood? How safe is seafood?

Seafood is the main component of European Christmas menus. But with rising concern about chemical pollution in the marine environment, is seafood safe to eat?

December 2016
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor

Food crises leave the poor in desperation for a long time. To calm the dreadful effects of weather and climate disasters as well as food price volatility it is better if governments forget about managing prices and instead care for the poor, experts say

October 2016
Which is more wholesome: wild or farmed fish? Which is more wholesome: wild or farmed fish?

Science gives us a heads-up for choosing at the counter and helps in the struggle to save the global fish stocks

July 2016
A low-energy formula for safeguarding food A low-energy formula for safeguarding food

We’ve already written about the HPT technique for processing food which combines high pressure with temperature. Now we’ve chased the food industries that are testing this innovative technology to understand if it can be applied on a large scale

May 2016