Esegui ricerca
Christian Mittermayr: “Rapid detection of pathogens in water supply networks increases public security” Christian Mittermayr: “Rapid detection of pathogens in water supply networks increases public security”

An integrated, automated and highly sensitive measurement device based on a nanobiological sensors to simultaneously monitor the presence of several viruses or dangerous bacteria in water can guarantee the safety and quality of drinking water  

June 2011
Could nanoparticles in cosmetics be toxic? Could nanoparticles in cosmetics be toxic?

Cosmetics containing nanoparticles (NPs) are surrounded by controversy. It is unclear how NPs in cosmetics can affect us and to what extent they are used. A concern is that NPs might penetrate the skin and interact with DNA and other macromolecules, due to their small size

September 2010
Nanoparticles in our cities: any risks for our health? Nanoparticles in our cities: any risks for our health?

Materials with de-polluting and de-soiling properties are used in, for example, pavement blocks. These materials contain titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NPs). Could these TiO2 NPs be released into the environment and if so, could they have a negative impact?

November 2010
How have NGOs responded to nanomaterials’ potential toxic effects? How have NGOs responded to nanomaterials’ potential toxic effects?

Many non-governmental organizations have reacted against the rapid introduction of nanomaterials in the market. They ask questions about potential toxic effects and advise authorities to apply new approaches

November 2010
Dr. Ndeke Musee: “To protect our environment we need to understand nanotechnology risks because today’s nanoproducts will be tomorrow’s waste streams” Dr. Ndeke Musee: “To protect our environment we need to understand nanotechnology risks because today’s nanoproducts will be tomorrow’s waste streams”

Dr. Ndeke Musee is a Senior Researcher at the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research in South Africa. He formed the first research group working on nanotechnology risk assessment in that country. Last month he published the article Nanotechnology risk assessment from a waste management perspective: Are the current tools adequate? about the potential new forms of challenges nanowastes may bring. Nanowastes can be defined as waste streams containing nanomaterials

November 2010