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Challenging energy renovation of buildings
Challenging energy renovation of buildings
Energy consumption in the construction sector is a key issue in the fight against climate change. It is often approached when planning new buildings, but there is little tendency to renovate the existing stock .
“Democratic” supergrids
“Democratic” supergrids
Thousands of kilometres of increasingly sophisticated and cutting-edge transmission lines, in other words supergrids , are on the EU agenda. Projects for high voltage links between countries are already being implemented.
Solar energy: “googling” your roof
Solar energy: “googling” your roof
Despite increasing talk about renewable energy, many people remain far removed from what’s going on. To tackle this, various projects have been developed over the years helping users to better understand and use green energy sources.
When crowdfunding is Sharia compliant
When crowdfunding is Sharia compliant
Islamic finance abides by the Sharia law. It demands socially responsible investment, with a real impact on the community.
Green living: encouraging investors to go retro
Green living: encouraging investors to go retro
Just because your home was built in the 1950s or 60s doesn’t mean it can’t be green. Retrofitting – the process of modernising properties using the latest technologies – can save energy and reduce CO 2 emissions.
Smart buildings: energy efficiency at what price?
Smart buildings: energy efficiency at what price?
Smart buildings appear to respond to a range of energy challenges found in Europe today. Improved efficiency would help consumers reduce income spent on energy consumption, reduce greenhouse emissions and also help EU countries meet the goals of the 2030 energy strategy .
Fitting hot and cold climates into the “envelope”
Fitting hot and cold climates into the “envelope”
Buildings account for 36% of CO 2 emissions in Europe, and energy consumption in this sector has increased in recent decades.
A raincoat for our houses
A raincoat for our houses
Today, one of the new challenges for the construction industry is the use of textiles, coming from the clothing and footwear industries.
Supergrids: the challenging comeback of direct current
Supergrids: the challenging comeback of direct current
Today the challenge is to enable better transmission from one country to another while reducing CO 2 with efficient links between renewable energy and the grid.
Italian cities: not only beautiful, now they want to be smart
Italian cities: not only beautiful, now they want to be smart
Italy is famous all over the world for its historical cities, but their beauty is not enough anymore. They want to be smart. Two of the experimental forerunners developing energy efficiency measures are Udine and Salerno .
New superconductive material for long-distance energy transmission
New superconductive material for long-distance energy transmission
The energy landscape in Europe is changing rapidly and the percentage of renewables is steadily increasing. For example, in Germany solar and wind power provided an average of 33% of the total electricity production in 2015.
High-tech and low-cost solutions to handle urban waste
High-tech and low-cost solutions to handle urban waste
Low-cost interventions, big data analysis and new regulations on landfills are key factors for the smart management of waste in cities.
Smart cities vs “locked-in” cities
Smart cities vs “locked-in” cities
As more and more cities launch projects to become smart, a substantial need is emerging: the ability to share the various models across the world so that they can be replicated anywhere.
Social, green, but primarily as an investment: all the features of energy crowdfunding
Social, green, but primarily as an investment: all the features of energy crowdfunding
There are three ways a crowdfunding project can be financed. Lending: the entrepreneurs borrow money and pay interest; equity: investors in the project become its shareholders; donations: no reward is to be expected (there is a fourth way, a mix of equity and lending called “hybrid”).
Saving a Monster: Retrofitting of Social Housing
Saving a Monster: Retrofitting of Social Housing
They live in a 1970s building complex bundling where they all have to share the energy costs of their significantly inefficient building. These running costs are unreasonable and have been known to reach five times the rent level.
Fashion “detox” catwalks - Towards sustainable textile production
Fashion “detox” catwalks - Towards sustainable textile production
When you see a beautiful shirt on a fashion model or in a shop window, you ask yourself: shall I buy it? Can I afford it? But before deciding, there is another question to be answered : How much damage ...
Saving energy through a user-friendly experience
Saving energy through a user-friendly experience
Living or working in high energy-efficient buildings can be a great opportunity but users need to feel empowered. This means making them aware of the building features and allowing them to manage some of the appliances by themselves.
Energy crowdfunding: the new way to boost renewables
Energy crowdfunding: the new way to boost renewables
It's a brand new sector: the first steps date back to 2012. Today energy crowdfunding is a way of financing solar panel or wind turbine projects.
How to measure the quality of life in smart cities?
How to measure the quality of life in smart cities?
From pollution levels and the number of traffic accidents to safer public spaces and more efficient heating in buildings:  to what extent can the smartness of a city be quantified?  And  is it possible to measure the quality of life  for an urban area through numerical parameters? It’s all about collecting data that is reliable and making sense of the numbers afterwards.
Power of the Sun. Dirt cheap
Power of the Sun. Dirt cheap
In the late 1980s, the German-born chemist Michael Grätzel literally tied his name to an invention that is hailed as a  revolution in renewable energy .
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