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Schizophrenia enters the molecular diagnostics era
Schizophrenia enters the molecular diagnostics era
With a drop of blood and some laboratory analyses, doctors have been able to tell patients whether they suffer from diabetes or some sort of cancer.
Speed is everything when fighting sepsis
Speed is everything when fighting sepsis
Sepsis, commonly known as blood poisoning, is a bacterial infection of the blood. It is dangerous for adults. And it is often mortal for young children, if left untreated.
Nasal vaccine: towards an alternative to injection for infants
Nasal vaccine: towards an alternative to injection for infants
Whooping cough and bronchiolitis are respiratory infections frequently affecting young children. In particular, infants under three months are very sensitive to these illnesses, which can lead to death in the most severe cases .
New Vaccine to Protect Babies from Whooping Cough
New Vaccine to Protect Babies from Whooping Cough
In Europe, whooping cough ( Pertussis ) is in the increase, with more than 20.000 cases reported annually . Often infants fall victim to the disease, where it can be life-threatening.
Nicolas Mouz - progressing towards an efficient HIV vaccine
Nicolas Mouz - progressing towards an efficient HIV vaccine
European researchers have designed two new vaccine candidates to fight the HIV virus. These have been developed within the EU-funded project EURONEUT 41 .
New Hopes for an AIDS Vaccine
New Hopes for an AIDS Vaccine
HIV is still plaguing humanity with 35 million infected people worldwide. Antiretroviral drugs do slow down the progression of the disease but at a high cost and with long term toxicity.
Fighting superbugs
Fighting superbugs
November 18 th is the annual European Antibiotic Awareness Day . Its purpose is to highlight the increase of bacterial resistance to antibiotics on the continent .
Rapid detection of superbugs
Rapid detection of superbugs
Patients affected by a bacterial infection can usually be treated with an antibiotic. But sometimes a resistant bacterial strain is causing the infection .
Peter Mullany – unveiling antibiotics resistance genes
Peter Mullany – unveiling antibiotics resistance genes
Nowadays, doctors treat patients with broad spectrum antibiotics without testing. But if they want to test they can send the bacteria away to a laboratory. This microbiology laboratory will test sensitivities to antibiotics for them.
Quick ID for water pathogens
Quick ID for water pathogens
Drinking water flowing from your tap can contain harmful bacteria, viruses and single-cell animals. And most countries do not routinely test for all these bugs.
Next generation cures born from the sea
Next generation cures born from the sea
The life that inhabits the world’s oceans has almost infinite variety. It remains an untapped source of diversity.
How beneficial polyphenols truly are?
How beneficial polyphenols truly are?
Eating fruit or having a glass of red wine is seen as offering health benefits. The benefits are often pinned on polyphenols, natural chemicals —found in foods—referred to as flavonoids and phenolic acids, but also fragments of food proteins called peptides.
No biomarkers identified to assess potential health effects of GMOs
No biomarkers identified to assess potential health effects of GMOs
Many people in Europe are critical of genetically modified (GM) food, due to safety concerns. A Eurobarometer survey, published in 2010, revealed that the European public tends to be worried on a “mediate level” about GM food , with people in Austria being particularly concerned.
Martin McKee:  EU Citizen’s health threatened by austerity
Martin McKee: EU Citizen’s health threatened by austerity
Martin McKee recently expressed his views at the 2012 European Health Forum in Bad Gastein, Austria. Can we measure the impact of austerity on people’s health? The human cost of austerity has been largely invisible because of lack of data.
Struggling against the malaria parasite
Struggling against the malaria parasite
This is a breakthrough in the struggle against the increasingly resistant malaria parasite and the search for improved drugs and effective vaccines.
Hormones on Diet
Hormones on Diet
It is a damning neologism of our age, a new word combining the threat of two major health problems of epidemic-like proportions. In Europe alone, around 33 million adults are expected to be suffering from type-2 diabetes by 2010.
Breaking the vicious cycle of antibiotic resistant bacteria
Breaking the vicious cycle of antibiotic resistant bacteria
Bacteria and other microorganisms that cause infections are remarkably resilient and can develop ways to survive drugs meant to kill or weaken them.
Restoring the Magic of a Miracle Drug
Restoring the Magic of a Miracle Drug
“We need our own kind of Kyoto treaty for antibiotics: the point is, we should treat antibiotics as a non-renewable source”, says professor Antonio Cassone, research director of the Italian Istituto Superiore di Sanità.
Click where You Look
Click where You Look
Communication by Gaze Interaction (COGAIN) is a project that has gathered together Europe's leading experts in computer-integrated eye tracking. The benefit of their work goes to all citizens with physical motor impairments.
Living with covid-19 will need a testing transformation
Living with covid-19 will need a testing transformation
As future covid-19 prevalence varies across time, health authorities must revolutionise testing to see if people are infected.
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