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Researchers simulate mafia and terrorism recruitment
Researchers simulate mafia and terrorism recruitment
One of the crucial steps to weaken and eradicate mafia and terrorism is blocking their means of enlisting new forces . The challenge is to change the social conditions that allow their networks to expand and regenerate themselves despite investigations and arrests.
Sustainable nappies for eco-friendly generations
Sustainable nappies for eco-friendly generations
Humans contributes to the planet’s pollution from the very early stage of their lives. EU statistics report that some seven million babies in Europe use up to 36 million disposable nappies in only one day .
Towards the next generation of electric vehicles
Towards the next generation of electric vehicles
Electric vehicles (EVs) have made huge strides in reliability and durability since they were first introduced, and sales figures from across Europe show they’re more popular than ever before.
Oceans: they pollute, they pay
Oceans: they pollute, they pay
Plastic pollution from single use items such as straws, cutlery and cotton bud sticks are a serious issue facing oceans and marine life. Often these items are not disposed of properly and because they do not degrade end up in the oceans.
Bike, bus, metro, foot: going intermodal
Bike, bus, metro, foot: going intermodal
Global transport accounts for almost one quarter of energy-related carbon dioxide emissions, and the proportion is rising.
Electric cars: current trends make for a shocking change
Electric cars: current trends make for a shocking change
Electric cars are rapidly moving from the periphery of the automotive sector in the European Union to the mainstream.
Smart 3D modelling for buildings
Smart 3D modelling for buildings
It is one of the most famous museums in the world, with more than one million visitors every year. If you happen to visit Bilbao, Spain, you can’t miss the Guggenheim .
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
Should you put your food waste in a compostable plastic bag?
If you walk into a council office or a recycling centre in Germany today you might see a poster for the #wirfuerbio campaign , which states that no plastics including compostable plastics should be added to organic bins.
Bio-composites for cars
Bio-composites for cars
Bio-composites have become increasingly popular with car manufacturers because they can reduce vehicle weight, which improves performance and lowers CO 2 emissions .
Superfast all-RAM processors could bring high-performance computers to the masses
Superfast all-RAM processors could bring high-performance computers to the masses
Today’s computer processors are pretty fast. Under optimal conditions, a desktop can come close to teraflop speeds, which is a million million operations per second .
Recycled construction waste: building a more sustainable future
Recycled construction waste: building a more sustainable future
In the southern Belgian province of Namur, concrete and bricks from demolished buildings are being turned into eco-friendly road surfaces.
Will blockchain lead to a smarter energy grid?
Will blockchain lead to a smarter energy grid?
Blockchain technology enables secure trading without a centralised intermediary like an exchange. This makes it attractive not only for cryptocurrency , where it was applied first to bypass banks, but also for large decentralised energy systems with a high share of renewable energy .
How battery systems can integrate renewable energy in smart grids
How battery systems can integrate renewable energy in smart grids
Wind and solar energy is not constant and therefore a renewables-based society requires smart grids to transport this power from areas where electricity generation is currently high to those where it is low in order to meet demand.
Lizard skins and bark bugs inspire energy saving materials
Lizard skins and bark bugs inspire energy saving materials
Biomimicry , also called bionics, uses structures found in nature to solve everyday problems. A well-known example is the Velcro strip , which a Swiss engineer, Georges de Mestral copied from the burdocks that stuck to his dog and clothes on a walk through the fields.
Meet the skyrmions: exotic quasiparticles could revolutionise computing
Meet the skyrmions: exotic quasiparticles could revolutionise computing
For most of us, any concerns about computing speed or data storage are usually to make it go faster while storing more. We hardly ever think about the enormous amounts of energy already required to power Internet servers or charge the increasing number of devices we own.
High-risk research returns
High-risk research returns
“When I grab something hard, then I can feel it in the fingertips, which is strange, as I don’t have them anymore. It’s amazing,” said Robin af Ekenstam , who lost his hand when an aggressive tumour was discovered on his right wrist.
“Compacting” electricity lines
“Compacting” electricity lines
Often in the countryside, but also near cities, we come across electric power lines with huge pylons, real eye-sores on the landscape.
Financing the next generation of “deep-tech” research innovators
Financing the next generation of “deep-tech” research innovators
Remember the cassette Walkman? With streaming services, even MP3 players like the iPod look distinctly  passé . Car Sat-Navs used to drop jaws in amazement, but now driverless cars and flying drone taxis are on the horizon.
Beyond the Godfather
Beyond the Godfather
In the early 1990s, a series of initiatives were set about fighting organised crime on a European level. However, the killing of “ndrangheta” members in the German city of Duisburg in 2007 acted as a wake-up call.
Making clothes from milk
Making clothes from milk
A significant proportion of food waste is dairy. WRAP, a UK charity that helps individuals and organisations reduce waste, says that 20% of the estimated 1.
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