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United Kingdom
Crossing borders to crowdfund renewables
Crossing borders to crowdfund renewables
Renewable energy crowdfunding involves three different parties: the fundraising platform, the investors  who generally expect a return, and project developers needing money. They may come from different nations .
A raincoat for our houses
A raincoat for our houses
Today, one of the new challenges for the construction industry is the use of textiles, coming from the clothing and footwear industries.
“DiplomaCity”- Learning networks of cities for a sustainable future
“DiplomaCity”- Learning networks of cities for a sustainable future
Fittingly, for an author who argues that connectivity is the key driver of growth in the modern age, Parag Khanna seems to have ties all over the world, and roots in many of the largest urban centres. ...
Energy back in local hands
Energy back in local hands
Across Europe, town and city councils are becoming increasingly interested in energy decentralisation , i.e. in producing power closer to where it is consumed.
Homes storing CO2, just like trees
Homes storing CO2, just like trees
Domestic efforts play an important role in curbing global warming. Besides producing and using renewables, homes can also act as banks that store CO2 .
Crowdfunding a renewable future
Crowdfunding a renewable future
Part of the issue with small-scale, home-based renewable energy systems is that initial setup costs can be high. This puts such installations out of reach for some sectors of society, even if they could benefit financial in the long run with lower household bills.
Brexit: a chance for European countries to deepen cooperation on renewables?
Brexit: a chance for European countries to deepen cooperation on renewables?
After the Brexit shock in Europe, an intensive debate has started to figure out the future energy strategy of the European Union without the UK.
Social, green, but primarily as an investment: all the features of energy crowdfunding
Social, green, but primarily as an investment: all the features of energy crowdfunding
There are three ways a crowdfunding project can be financed. Lending: the entrepreneurs borrow money and pay interest; equity: investors in the project become its shareholders; donations: no reward is to be expected (there is a fourth way, a mix of equity and lending called “hybrid”).
Gauging public opinion on small wind turbines
Gauging public opinion on small wind turbines
Recent studies suggest that around 70 to 80 percent of people in Europe support wind farms, although there are still concerns around noise and aesthetics.
Gone with the wind farms – Six of the world’s top offshore arrays in pictures
Gone with the wind farms – Six of the world’s top offshore arrays in pictures
United Kingdom - London Array With a peak rated power of 630 megawatts, London Array is the largest wind farm in Europe by capacity, and also the largest offshore plant in the world.
Saving energy through a user-friendly experience
Saving energy through a user-friendly experience
Living or working in high energy-efficient buildings can be a great opportunity but users need to feel empowered. This means making them aware of the building features and allowing them to manage some of the appliances by themselves.
Energy crowdfunding: the new way to boost renewables
Energy crowdfunding: the new way to boost renewables
It's a brand new sector: the first steps date back to 2012. Today energy crowdfunding is a way of financing solar panel or wind turbine projects.
Cyber attacks – Are smart cities safer or more vulnerable?
Cyber attacks – Are smart cities safer or more vulnerable?
In the wake of the Brussels bombings, the French blogger Francis Pisani addressed the quandaries of modern, connected European cities facing terrorist threats .
The small wind turbines you’ll want in your back yard
The small wind turbines you’ll want in your back yard
Opponents to wind turbines often claim that the noise and vibrations from the turbines affect their health , leading to sleep disturbance, headaches and a host of other problems.
Green buildings: is the market ready to pay more for them?
Green buildings: is the market ready to pay more for them?
The European construction industry and home-builder citizens are increasingly aware of sustainable choices. Some solutions can be more expensive than others, although sometimes this only concerns the construction phase.
The Social Life of Bricks
The Social Life of Bricks
Mark Miodownik will never forget the day he became obsessed with materials. He was a schoolboy in 1985 when he was stabbed in the London Underground. “ When I saw that weapon in the police station later, I was mesmerized.
Can sustainable office buildings increase workers’ productivity?
Can sustainable office buildings increase workers’ productivity?
Efforts to make buildings environmentally sustainable often focus on the technical side, such as energy efficiency. But there is more to sustainability than just energy efficiency.
COP 21 wave - Towards a new era in the green construction sector
COP 21 wave - Towards a new era in the green construction sector
“History will remember this day,” said Ban Ki-moon, secretary general of the United Nations, moments after the green-topped gavel, symbol of the Paris talks, was dropped on what is considered the most ambitious deal on climate change that the world has ever seen.
Energy efficient renovations. Understanding how homeowners make decisions
Energy efficient renovations. Understanding how homeowners make decisions
European homeowners remain resistant to undertaking efficiency measures. Widespread incentives, regulations and policies concerning energy efficiency are making modest gains. In the U.K.
Wind energy costs approach nonrenewable levels
Wind energy costs approach nonrenewable levels
All too often, conversations on renewable energy meander toward the same end: green technology is a nice thing, though it has to become economically viable before widespread adoption becomes the norm. ...
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