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Will blockchain lead to a smarter energy grid?
Will blockchain lead to a smarter energy grid?
Blockchain technology enables secure trading without a centralised intermediary like an exchange. This makes it attractive not only for cryptocurrency , where it was applied first to bypass banks, but also for large decentralised energy systems with a high share of renewable energy .
How battery systems can integrate renewable energy in smart grids
How battery systems can integrate renewable energy in smart grids
Wind and solar energy is not constant and therefore a renewables-based society requires smart grids to transport this power from areas where electricity generation is currently high to those where it is low in order to meet demand.
Lizard skins and bark bugs inspire energy saving materials
Lizard skins and bark bugs inspire energy saving materials
Biomimicry , also called bionics, uses structures found in nature to solve everyday problems. A well-known example is the Velcro strip , which a Swiss engineer, Georges de Mestral copied from the burdocks that stuck to his dog and clothes on a walk through the fields.
Meet the skyrmions: exotic quasiparticles could revolutionise computing
Meet the skyrmions: exotic quasiparticles could revolutionise computing
For most of us, any concerns about computing speed or data storage are usually to make it go faster while storing more. We hardly ever think about the enormous amounts of energy already required to power Internet servers or charge the increasing number of devices we own.
High-risk research returns
High-risk research returns
“When I grab something hard, then I can feel it in the fingertips, which is strange, as I don’t have them anymore. It’s amazing,” said Robin af Ekenstam , who lost his hand when an aggressive tumour was discovered on his right wrist.
“Compacting” electricity lines
“Compacting” electricity lines
Often in the countryside, but also near cities, we come across electric power lines with huge pylons, real eye-sores on the landscape.
Financing the next generation of “deep-tech” research innovators
Financing the next generation of “deep-tech” research innovators
Remember the cassette Walkman? With streaming services, even MP3 players like the iPod look distinctly  passé . Car Sat-Navs used to drop jaws in amazement, but now driverless cars and flying drone taxis are on the horizon.
Beyond the Godfather
Beyond the Godfather
In the early 1990s, a series of initiatives were set about fighting organised crime on a European level. However, the killing of “ndrangheta” members in the German city of Duisburg in 2007 acted as a wake-up call.
Making clothes from milk
Making clothes from milk
A significant proportion of food waste is dairy. WRAP, a UK charity that helps individuals and organisations reduce waste, says that 20% of the estimated 1.
Approaching energy crowdfunding with eyes wide open
Approaching energy crowdfunding with eyes wide open
In 2016, for a few hours, all of Germany ran only on renewable energy , demonstrating that one day, the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere could really be avoided.
Households poised to become energy dealers
Households poised to become energy dealers
Households and small businesses using independent power systems, or microgrids, still find it hard to cope without their national electricity grids.
Could renewables crowdfunding assist “unplugged” Africa?
Could renewables crowdfunding assist “unplugged” Africa?
Over 640 million Africans have no access to energy, which means over 60 percent of population. At the same time, the continent has abundant renewable energy sources that could fuel its energy revolution.
Your future Christmas jumper could be made from smart textiles
Your future Christmas jumper could be made from smart textiles
How would you like a fancy Christmas garment embedded with sensors to measure your body movements? Or a reindeer hat that moves its horns when your heart beats faster? Don’t worry if you’re not a fan of winter festivities, because the technology behind the next generation of smart clothes is for everyone and can be woven into anything we wear.
Cities: how smart strategies can turn into effective action plans
Cities: how smart strategies can turn into effective action plans
When Justin Bieber made his way to Stockholm in September 2016, city officials hardly expected the tween heartthrob to pave the way for sustainable urban policy .
Making plastic toys from biomass
Making plastic toys from biomass
Plastic toys are everywhere and with good reason: plastic is great for making toys. It is cheap and durable, and can be moulded into pretty much any shape.
EU Clean energy package: more chance for “energy citizens”?
EU Clean energy package: more chance for “energy citizens”?
The next few weeks are going to be crucial for the future of renewable energy in Europe.
Smoother ice creams, greener peas and ecological tomatoes
Smoother ice creams, greener peas and ecological tomatoes
There are different reasons to adapt new technologies in food processing. First, the industry hopes to create new foods that will provide a better taste and new sensations in the mouth .
Improving the imperfect: photosynthesis for the future
Improving the imperfect: photosynthesis for the future
Despite its splendour and beauty, nature is full of imperfections. Indeed, the process of natural selection relies upon minor errors in genetic duplication to produce new variants, better suited to a given environment.
Will energy-free computing reactions ever take place?
Will energy-free computing reactions ever take place?
In 1961, the physicist Rolf Landauer formulated a principle that any transformation of information that takes place in a computer requires energy, thus making zero-power computing a pipe dream.
Recycling CO2… It’s a work of art!
Recycling CO2… It’s a work of art!
A book of learning experiences, in which every chapter is explained through a piece of art. The theme: the transformation of CO 2 into something useful, using man-made diamonds.
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