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Powering the future: could Europe go dark?
Powering the future: could Europe go dark?
February’s blackout in Brussels left neighbourhoods in darkness, streets lit only by headlights and torches. You may be left thinking it was the symptom of a sick system.
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
Biotechnology: navigating a minefield
In our fast-moving world, biotech is at the forefront of developments – but, by its very nature, it can provoke ethical and moral concerns .
‘Forest mobilisation:’ unlocking Europe’s wood energy potential
‘Forest mobilisation:’ unlocking Europe’s wood energy potential
It’s not always easy to see the wood from trees when dealing with complex challenges in energy policy. However, Europe is increasingly finding in its forests a significant source of renewable energy that could help the region move away from fossil fuel dependency.
Fighting botulism: new technique to process food
Fighting botulism: new technique to process food
Food borne botulism is a rare, but potentially fatal disease. According to the World Health Organisation the toxins that cause the illness are some of the most lethal substances known.
Green energy: will French and German elections bring wind of change?
Green energy: will French and German elections bring wind of change?
“We’re watching the election very closely. That’s for sure,” said Alex Raguet, CEO and founder of Lumo , a French crowdfunding platform for renewable energies.
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
Smart cities and innovative financing schemes
The pioneering city of Stuttgart, Germany, was one the first to apply an innovative financing scheme back in 1995 and since then it has been bearing its fruit: energy-efficiency funding has reduced the city’s CO 2 emissions by tens of thousands of tonnes.
Meet the Atom
Meet the Atom
The quantum world is something that many talk about but no-one sees. There must be something special if it exerts its fascination well beyond the circles of what many imagine as a mainly male community of rather eccentric scientists, to the point of attracting the attention of provocative artists and spiritual leaders.
The shape of the invisible
The shape of the invisible
The artistic partnership of Evelina Domnitch and Dmitry Gelfand started in 1996 in New York when they were in their early twenties. They were both born in the Soviet Union, Belarus and Russia respectively, and their paths crossed in the US city.
Industry under the sun
Industry under the sun
Where’s the best place to set up a factory in Europe? Athens , of course! As unexpected as it may seem, the Greek capital ranks first in a special list of 40 regions across the EU , for conditions ideal for the integration of renewable energy, notably solar, in manufacturing activities .
Crossing borders to crowdfund renewables
Crossing borders to crowdfund renewables
Renewable energy crowdfunding involves three different parties: the fundraising platform, the investors  who generally expect a return, and project developers needing money. They may come from different nations .
“DiplomaCity”- Learning networks of cities for a sustainable future
“DiplomaCity”- Learning networks of cities for a sustainable future
Fittingly, for an author who argues that connectivity is the key driver of growth in the modern age, Parag Khanna seems to have ties all over the world, and roots in many of the largest urban centres. ...
Energy back in local hands
Energy back in local hands
Across Europe, town and city councils are becoming increasingly interested in energy decentralisation , i.e. in producing power closer to where it is consumed.
Do microbes control our mood?
Do microbes control our mood?
If aliens were to examine a human, they would think we were just slavish organisms designed to feed microbes and carry them around. Our bodies contain ten times more bacteria than cells , and there are an estimated 3.
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments
Bioeconomy: the ideal mix to pave the way for investments
Investors look for a number of things before betting on a company or product in the bioeconomy sector: prestigious and experienced team, economic sustainability, competitive advantage, and potential users.
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up
Bioeconomy innovations: tough starting up
For innovation managers and startup advisors it is clear: scientists and researchers are not business people . "Much is dependent on the personality of the founder. A pure scientist will not be able to proceed.
New superconductive material for long-distance energy transmission
New superconductive material for long-distance energy transmission
The energy landscape in Europe is changing rapidly and the percentage of renewables is steadily increasing. For example, in Germany solar and wind power provided an average of 33% of the total electricity production in 2015.
Satellites and high-tech solutions help African farmers face historic drought
Satellites and high-tech solutions help African farmers face historic drought
South Africa is experiencing its severest drought in more than a century. Savannahs – grasslands scattered with trees and scrubs, which cover about half of Africa – are some of the most productive environments of the continent, supporting livestock and rural livelihoods.
Social, green, but primarily as an investment: all the features of energy crowdfunding
Social, green, but primarily as an investment: all the features of energy crowdfunding
There are three ways a crowdfunding project can be financed. Lending: the entrepreneurs borrow money and pay interest; equity: investors in the project become its shareholders; donations: no reward is to be expected (there is a fourth way, a mix of equity and lending called “hybrid”).
Gone with the wind farms – Six of the world’s top offshore arrays in pictures
Gone with the wind farms – Six of the world’s top offshore arrays in pictures
United Kingdom - London Array With a peak rated power of 630 megawatts, London Array is the largest wind farm in Europe by capacity, and also the largest offshore plant in the world.
Bracing for summer thunderstorms
Bracing for summer thunderstorms
With summertime and heat waves approaching, thunderstorms are becoming more frequent again. Recently several regions in Europe were hit by devastating thunderstorms along with strong winds, lightning strikes, hail and flash floods.
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