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Climate Change, Bioeconomy
Resilient seeds - Nurturing the future of agriculture
Resilient seeds - Nurturing the future of agriculture
For the first time in its history, the Global Seed Vault on the Svalbard Islands, Norway, has authorised a withdrawal. It was requested in 2015 by Syria, a country where the war is endangering the local agricultural seed collections.
The case for low methane-emitting cattle
The case for low methane-emitting cattle
You may think that climate change is being caused by burning oil, coal and gas. But not so fast! The emission of methane from cattle is a surprisingly important factor .
Is desertification on the increase?
Is desertification on the increase?
News of increased desertification has made headlines. Yet this process is not well understood.
Tougher climate-resistant crops
Tougher climate-resistant crops
Might it be possible to make better plants more quickly than we do today? And without the public objection that accompanies genetic manipulation? Climate change means that this is now an urgent question.
Peter Freeman: Plants tell time
Peter Freeman: Plants tell time
Scientist Peter Freeman is managing a project that is probing the clock and metabolism of plants, called TiMet . Partners to the project include star biologists in the Germany, Spain, Switzerland and the UK, all working to gain better insights into what make plants tick.
Solving the climate change vulnerabilities jigsaw
Solving the climate change vulnerabilities jigsaw
Climate change and socio-economic factors are interdependent . If agriculture intensifies in a particular region, that would have an impact on water sector, resulting from the irrigation use.
Bees survival: ban more pesticides?
Bees survival: ban more pesticides?
The European Commission, on 29 th April 2013, slapped a two-year ban on insecticides suspected of killing off bee colonies. This follows the European Food Safety Authority finding that they pose a high acute risk to honey bees.
From science to practice: circularity at the crossroad of market and agriculture
From science to practice: circularity at the crossroad of market and agriculture
Producing more, but cheaper and more sustainably, to meet higher environmental standards and international competition.
Picture: Sotiris Gkolias on Pexels
Betting on technology to repopulate rural areas: when AI meets agriculture and sustainability
Together with his parents, Niko spends part of his day running a small family farm, which produces 40 to 50 tons of fruit per year. The Dubrovnik-Neretva County where he lives is the southernmost and one of the richest in Croatia .
Figure 1. Credits to La Flerial Eric Lenoir Paysagiste
Éric, the “punk gardener”. When humility and counterculture serve biodiversity
Éric Lenoir  describes himself as a “punk gardener”.  Wherever he is called to work, he first takes the time for observation.
Photo from Pexels
Recovering nutrients to save the planet: the fertilizer challenge
The Earth is a sick patient, struggling to survive and feed its inhabitants.
Sexism also exists in botany
Sexism also exists in botany
Urban green spaces provide several benefits beyond aesthetics. They offer shade, help to reduce pollution, offer habitat for birds and insects, a space to meet and socialise or for kids to play.
Improving the imperfect: photosynthesis for the future
Improving the imperfect: photosynthesis for the future
Despite its splendour and beauty, nature is full of imperfections. Indeed, the process of natural selection relies upon minor errors in genetic duplication to produce new variants, better suited to a given environment.
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines
Climate change threatens some of the world’s best wines
Millions of people across Europe have enjoyed soaring temperatures in the summer of 2017 , with sizzling barbeques, good food, and fine wine.
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor
Levelling food price volatility, while supporting the poor
The worst food crisis in 30 years looms for 50 million people across southern Africa from Mozambique to Angola. Two years without rain has destroyed harvests. Food prices have skyrocketed.