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Lars Ove Dragsted: can an apple a day really keep the doctor away?
Lars Ove Dragsted: can an apple a day really keep the doctor away?
Lars Ove Dragsted, professor in preventive nutrition at the University of Copenhagen , Denmark, took part in a wide ranging EU funded project, called ISAFRUIT , designed to boost Europeans’ consumption of fruits and ultimately improve their health.
Uncertainties surrounding nanoparticles aimed for medical use
Uncertainties surrounding nanoparticles aimed for medical use
Researchers are trying to find out more about the relationship between different NPs’ shapes, sizes and surface chemistries and how they behave in the human body.
The Magic Touch
The Magic Touch
The “ nano wrap ” that is being developed to be fitted around an amputee’s upper arm nerve bundle is the ambitious other part of the Smarthand’s robotic hand project.
Living with covid-19 will need a testing transformation
Living with covid-19 will need a testing transformation
As future covid-19 prevalence varies across time, health authorities must revolutionise testing to see if people are infected.
Rapid tests for coronavirus and their accuracy
Rapid tests for coronavirus and their accuracy
Since the World Health Organisation declared  COVID-19 a pandemic , progress has been made on testing, tracing and treating people infected with the virus, and industries have developed  several vaccines in a record time.
Do microbes control our mood?
Do microbes control our mood?
If aliens were to examine a human, they would think we were just slavish organisms designed to feed microbes and carry them around. Our bodies contain ten times more bacteria than cells , and there are an estimated 3.
Anne Raben – Diet and exercise combinations to counter type-2 diabetes
Anne Raben – Diet and exercise combinations to counter type-2 diabetes
Type-2 diabetes, which has dramatically spread in the last decade, is most often associated with being overweight and suffering from obesity.
Two approaches to treat Lysosomal Storage Diseases
Two approaches to treat Lysosomal Storage Diseases
Lysosomes are membrane-bound organelles found in most animal cells. They are responsible for treating cellular waste. Genetic mutations in lysosomal enzymes lead to lysosome malfunction and waste accumulation.
Better diagnostics for thrombosis are a matter of resources
Better diagnostics for thrombosis are a matter of resources
Cost-effectiveness is paramount for any new medical technology. If pharmaceutical companies do not see a profit, new drugs will never see the light of day.