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Marco Lodesani: Lessons from the Italian ban on pesticides
Marco Lodesani: Lessons from the Italian ban on pesticides
Marco Lodesani is the director of the honey bee and silkworm unit at the Agricultural Research Council (CRA-API) in Bologna, Italy. He coordinated Apenet , one of the first study highlighting the role of neonicotinoids in Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).
Bees “restored to health” in Italy after this spring’s neonicotinoid-free maize sowing
Bees “restored to health” in Italy after this spring’s neonicotinoid-free maize sowing
It does look like a resounding, spectacular success. During this year’s neonicotinoid-free maize sowing in Italy hardly a bee colony has been lost, bar a suspicious case where some leftover seed from last year may have been used.
"Bee mortality has never be so high all over the world at the same time"
"Bee mortality has never be so high all over the world at the same time"
As president of UNAAPI, the Italian Beekeepers Association, Francesco Panella is one of the most impassionate opposers of neonicotinoids and other synthetic pesticides, whether they are used as seed coating or sprayed on groves, as he blames them for weakening the bees’ immune system.
"Bees go mad and become lost because of neonicotinoid dispersion"
"Bees go mad and become lost because of neonicotinoid dispersion"
Dr. Moreno Greatti, from the Department of Plant Biology and Protection at the University of Udine in Italy, is the author of a pivotal study on the dispersion of seed coating particles containing neonicotinoids into the air and along field borders during maize sowing.
Italy keeps ban on neonicotinoid seed coating to save bees
Italy keeps ban on neonicotinoid seed coating to save bees
Tens of thousands of them don’t even manage to get back to their apiary. Disoriented, they lose the way home and die.
"Massive bee loss coincided overwhelmingly with maize sowing"
"Massive bee loss coincided overwhelmingly with maize sowing"
The local government of the Piedmont region listened carefully to the beekeepers’ complaints, says Giacomo Michelatti, head of the region’s agrochemical control department.