Esegui ricerca

Anthony King

I’ve been contributing science stories to newspapers, magazines and websites for many years. I studied science in Trinity College Dublin and science communications in Dublin City University.

By this author
Smart grid: A grid suitable for renewable energySmart grid: A grid suitable for renewable energy

How smart can the electricity grid be? Opportunities will open for European citizens with more and more renewables on the European electricity system

04 Dec 2015
Pig plague threatens EuropePig plague threatens Europe

Europe’s valuable pig industry is threatened by a plague on its eastern borders with vast destructive potential known as African swine fever. Scientists are fighting back. 

17 Dec 2014
Alan O’Connor - Taming nature’s wild characterAlan O’Connor - Taming nature’s wild character

Nature can still shock us with its ferocity. Hence, the need to minimise the impact on the most modern transport, energy and communication networks of Nature’s extreme events.

16 Dec 2014
Building makeover project – retrofitting to boost energy efficiencyBuilding makeover project – retrofitting to boost energy efficiency

The Bricker project aims at significantly boosting the energy efficiency of working buildings by combining passive and active technologies

26 Sep 2014
Free ecosystem services for better cropsFree ecosystem services for better crops

European scientists are developing a web-based tool for farmers so they can see what is available in terms of ecosystem services.  

16 Sep 2014
Mary Reilly – fast-tracking rare disease drug candidates’ approvalMary Reilly – fast-tracking rare disease drug candidates’ approval

Giving drug candidates a special orphan status gives pharmaceutical companies incentives to bring them to patients

02 Sep 2014
New treatment against transplantation complications testedNew treatment against transplantation complications tested

A class of biotechnology drugs called monoclonal antibodies is now being tested in clinical studies to treat an unmet medical need post-transplantation, called delayed graft function

02 Sep 2014
Secrets of youth, based on preventionSecrets of youth, based on prevention

Metabolites found in our blood are linked to ageing and can signpost the risk of developing age-related diseases. This may help avoid such risks and reduce the rate at which we age biologically.

24 Jun 2014
Ana Valdes – Twins studies to identify the molecular cause of ageingAna Valdes – Twins studies to identify the molecular cause of ageing

Combining research on twins with new technology shows both nature and nurture play a role in biological ageing.

24 Jun 2014
Putting the sunshine vitamin in the spotlightPutting the sunshine vitamin in the spotlight

Food-based solutions are being devised to counter the ‘vitamin D winters'.

23 May 2014