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Nanodiamonds: a cancer patient’s best friend?
Nanodiamonds: a cancer patient’s best friend?
Diamonds are sometimes considered as a girl’s best friend. Now, this expression is about to have a new meaning. Indeed, nanometric scale diamond particles could offer a new way to detect cancer far earlier than previously thought.
Juggling with multiple risks
Juggling with multiple risks
Multiple disasters can have a cumulative impact leading to great human and financial loss. The awareness of all possible risks is of fundamental importance.
Screening eco-innovation level
Screening eco-innovation level
Going green is one of the fastest growing trends, particularly in industry. But smaller size companies are often left wondering how best to become more environmentally friendly .
Less salt, sugar and fat, same pleasure
Less salt, sugar and fat, same pleasure
The scientific community now widely recognises that salt, sugar and fat in excess in food lead to health issues . Among these are obesity, hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.
Bernard Kloareg: unlocking marine genomics’ potentials
Bernard Kloareg: unlocking marine genomics’ potentials
Bernard Kloareg is the director of the Station biologique de Roscoff , a major science facility for marine research located in the Brittany region of France.
Metagenomics: hunting for new genes by sequencing seas samples
Metagenomics: hunting for new genes by sequencing seas samples
One litre of sea water contains about one billion bacteria.
Could gamification enhance biodiversity decision making tools?
Could gamification enhance biodiversity decision making tools?
Making decision that may affect the environment is not that simple. For example, if a EU policy maker believes that biofuels can reduce CO 2 emissions.
Sorting plastic waste: a magnetic game
Sorting plastic waste: a magnetic game
More than one third of the total plastic production in Europe—about 14 million tonnes per year—are polyolefins, also known as polyalkenes.
Can plastic be made from algae?
Can plastic be made from algae?
Algae are an interesting natural resource because they proliferate quickly. They are not impinging on food production. And they need nothing but sunlight and a bit of waste water to grow on.
User awareness key to effective energy monitoring
User awareness key to effective energy monitoring
Energy efficiency has become a key objective in the current context of increasing energy demand, decreasing resources and global warming. Key to efficient energy savings, however, are users' awareness and behaviour.
Reliable packaging for chemical-free food
Reliable packaging for chemical-free food
It is not obvious when examining a wrapped lettuce or a microwavable bowl of Chinese soup. But plastic food packaging is made of multiple layers designed to act as a barrier for oxygen or bacteria .
Shielding the Grid to Foster Renewables: the Cybersecurity Challenge
Shielding the Grid to Foster Renewables: the Cybersecurity Challenge
In the mid-90s, when he was 9 to 12 years old, Tommy DeVoss broke into the computer systems of global fast-food and pharmaceutical companies. He also hacked into organisations such as the US government, the US military, and NASA .
Circular is better: recyclable buildings to save the planet
Circular is better: recyclable buildings to save the planet
Maguy Soldevila is a former art teacher. Some years ago, she quit the frenzy and the pollution of the French city of Lyon to move into a typical house of the 1960s, in the small village of Sail-sous-Couzan.
Pandemic semiconductor problems are set to shape electric vehicle battery manufacturing
Pandemic semiconductor problems are set to shape electric vehicle battery manufacturing
With buyers facing unusually long delays between ordering and receiving new cars, car manufacturers are pivoting to make key components, including semiconductor chips and lithium-ion batteries .
Recycling nutrients to save the Planet and avert a global food crisis
Recycling nutrients to save the Planet and avert a global food crisis
The war in Ukraine is threatening to trigger a global world crisis and is highlighting the EU's dependence on mineral-based fertilizers , which are mainly produced by Russia.
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Joining forces to finance renewables: the investment platform model
Santa Casa da Misericordia de Serpa is a well-established Portuguese social institution that runs hospitals, nursing homes and housing projects for elderly.
Agriculture goes green – New bio-fertilisers to make farming more sustainable
Agriculture goes green – New bio-fertilisers to make farming more sustainable
Over the last two centuries, the  world population has increased  from one billion to 7.7 billion today. As the population keeps rising, so does food demand.
Cover poto by XR Expo on Unsplash
Touching the air may be possible with new research on haptics
“Computer, end program”. A fan of Star Trek science fiction TV series will immediately recognise this instruction. It is given to shut down the holodeck, where virtual reality becomes as tangible as actual reality itself.
Last mile delivery: a greener Santa Claus is coming to town
Last mile delivery: a greener Santa Claus is coming to town
What if Santa rode a four-legged robot? What looks like a sci-fi fairy tale might soon come true. Nowadays it is not reindeers that bring holiday gifts to our homes, it is most often a cumbersome, noisy and polluting van.
Future and emerging technologies grow young talents
Future and emerging technologies grow young talents
The new generation of technologies is radically changing the face of what science has already achieved. Their seeds are being planted in European laboratories, where passionate young researchers have been playing their part in shaping a new world.
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