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Funky food from fruit by-products
Funky food from fruit by-products
Food processing of cereal and fruits creates a rather voluminous amount of by-products . The London, UK-based Institution of Mechanical Engineers recently estimated that anywhere between 35% and 50%--or 1.
Food price surges: still a mystery
Food price surges: still a mystery
Riots, political instability and a spike in malnourishment cases blighted the years 2007 and 2008, particularly in developing countries.
Functional foods from the sea
Functional foods from the sea
Seaweeds are not only tasty, but they are a source of nutrients that could be beneficial for health and wellbeing. And like terrestrial plants, seaweeds also contain significant portions of fibre that reach the colon undigested.
A balancing act for carbon stock preservation
A balancing act for carbon stock preservation
Forests and land ecosystems are the earth’s carbon reservoirs. They are key to limit the impact of greenhouse gases, as they fix those gases down.
Anti-allergy GM apples
Anti-allergy GM apples
Peanut, egg and soy are more common food known to trigger an allergic reaction, a problem affecting around 8% of children in the EU. Intuitively, you might not list apples as causing allergic reactions.
A sticky solution against beef bacteria
A sticky solution against beef bacteria
If you can't kill them, trap them. Such is the fate that scientists are reserving to pathogenic bacteria, such as the infamous E. coli .
Clare Hall – who are the trusted sources of food safety information?
Clare Hall – who are the trusted sources of food safety information? talks to Clare Hall, social science researcher at the Scottish Agricultural College in Edinburgh, UK, about the best ways to effectively inform the public about food safety in relation to pathogens responsible for foodborne diseases.
Marek Zadernowski – When one size food rule does not fit all in Europe
Marek Zadernowski – When one size food rule does not fit all in Europe
Marek Zadernowski is a consultant, specialist in quality management and safety in a food sector, based in Olsztyn, Poland. He is a member of Polish Association of Food Technologists and a fellow of the  UK Royal Society of Public Health .
From the horse's mouth: experts views from across Europe
From the horse's mouth: experts views from across Europe
It all started when the  Irish Food Standard Authority  realised, mid-January, that some of the burgers sold in the country (and in the UK) contained about 29% of equine DNA, upon testing.
Ragnar Löfstedt – To restore trust, food risk needs to be clear like water
Ragnar Löfstedt – To restore trust, food risk needs to be clear like water
Ragnar Löfstedt is an expert on risk management at King’s College London , UK, and the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Risk Research . He spoke to youris.
Alex Richardson - Good foods make bad commodities
Alex Richardson - Good foods make bad commodities
Alex Richardson, is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Evidence-Based Intervention , at the University of Oxford, UK, and the co-founder of the UK charity Food and Behaviour Research.
Nylons made from shrimps
Nylons made from shrimps
Shrimps and lobsters are among the most popular crustaceans. However, the shell waste produced by the seafood industry is a growing problem , with significant environmental and health hazards.
Biomass bonanza as plastics’ raw materials
Biomass bonanza as plastics’ raw materials
Increasingly, many of the plastic products we use every day are no longer based on petroleum raw material . Instead, they are made from biomass such as starch, sugar, corn and other sources that also happen to be food products.
Brian Wynne: GMOs acceptance hinges on proven benefits
Brian Wynne: GMOs acceptance hinges on proven benefits
Brian Wynne, professor of science studies at  Lancaster University , tells about his long time interest in  public risk perceptions  and how this relates to public attitudes to  genetically modified organisms  (GMOs).
Food Bug Forensic Tracking
Food Bug Forensic Tracking
Pork factories now rely on a new kit to examine suspect meat . The technique was developed in an EU funded project called Biotracer . It relies on maths algorithms to pinpoint the most likely origin of harmful bacteria on meat , such as salmonella.
Turning the tide on seaweed supplements
Turning the tide on seaweed supplements
Seaweeds are a traditional accompaniment to many Asian dishes. They have also become increasingly popular across the world as an exotic delicacy.
Fish bones’ second life
Fish bones’ second life
Only about 50% of every fish sold as fillet is actually eaten.  Often, fish heads, viscera, skin and bones are discarded.
Slashing mountains of food waste
Slashing mountains of food waste
A delicious tomato and bell pepper soup, a green bean and potato salad and a refreshing strawberry, kiwi and banana smoothy.
The hunt for stowaway bugs
The hunt for stowaway bugs
Custom officers are not the only ones with a keen interest in luggage content. Scientists too want to know what travellers are bringing into European airports.
Fibers as immune system boosters
Fibers as immune system boosters
Staying healthy requires constantly stimulating the immune system. Ingesting non-digestible fibres such as polysaccharides is thought to help. Yet companies including such ingredients in their food products cannot claim that they boost the immune system.
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