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Moving away from silicon technology
Moving away from silicon technology
Silicon, the conventional semiconductor used to build up electronics, is processed at very high temperature – over one thousand Celsius degrees - and it is difficult to recycle.
Prof. Jordy Sunyer "The role of environmental pollutants in our daily life is something completely new"
Prof. Jordy Sunyer "The role of environmental pollutants in our daily life is something completely new"
From 13th to 16th September 13 to 16 Barcelona hosted the 2011 ISEE (International Society for Environmental Epidemiology) congress.
Dr. Francisco de Aristegui: “We support researchers to reach the market with their innovations”
Dr. Francisco de Aristegui: “We support researchers to reach the market with their innovations”
A consortium connected to the project ProNano coaches researchers to reach the market with their innovations, by technology licensing or by creating new spin out companies.
Barriers in bringing nanotechnological innovations to the market
Barriers in bringing nanotechnological innovations to the market
Researchers who need help with bringing their innovations to the market can get assistance from established offices of technology transfer .
European research looks into sustainable solutions for an innovative high quality bus system
European research looks into sustainable solutions for an innovative high quality bus system
In a hotel lobby in Madrid we meet Umberto Guida. The 46-year-old works in Brussels for the International Association of Public Transport.
Breaking the vicious cycle of antibiotic resistant bacteria
Breaking the vicious cycle of antibiotic resistant bacteria
Bacteria and other microorganisms that cause infections are remarkably resilient and can develop ways to survive drugs meant to kill or weaken them.
Tunnel Trouble
Tunnel Trouble
Whether to go for a deluge system like the one which worked wonders for the emergency services during the 2007 Burnley Tunnel fire in Melbourne, Australia, or rather opt for a water mist model spraying small droplets of about 100 micron with a low terminal velocity and a high surface to volume ratio, several European countries are rethinking fire suppression mechanisms for their tunnels.
The Waltz of the Mirrors
The Waltz of the Mirrors
90% of the world’s population lives less than 2,700 km from a desert. If less than 1% of the world’s deserts were used to concentrate solar power, enough electricity could be produced to supply the entire planet.
Growing Ecologic Buildings
Growing Ecologic Buildings
Reducing the energy requirements of buildings is an absolute priority in Europe. The energy demonstration project SARA has developed several public-access eco-buildings in France, Italy, Slovenia, Spain, UK and Uzbekistan.
Your Guide around Town
Your Guide around Town
Guidebooks’ days are numbered. Tourist offices should be concerned. Time Out and the like should worry too. People will no longer need them for directions or to arrange their evenings, whether at home or abroad.
From burden to asset: turning big emitters into energy and flexibility suppliers
From burden to asset: turning big emitters into energy and flexibility suppliers
Steel, cement, chemicals, glass and paper are among the so-called “energy-intensive industries” (EIIs) – these key sectors, together with refineries and minerals,  employ some 3.
Elena Mozhvilo by Unsplash
“Reinventing the wheel” in the struggle to cut global waste: the food upcycling challenge
The fact that Finland has staged an annual herring festival ever since 1743 tells you something about the historical and cultural significance of the country’s most populous fish.
Together is better: when engaging citizens makes cities smarter
Together is better: when engaging citizens makes cities smarter
Imagine living in a building that once leaked heat in the winter and baked in the summer, now retrofitted to be a haven of comfort and efficiency.
Reuse or let die. Crucial for life but threatening if in excess: the nutrient challenge
Reuse or let die. Crucial for life but threatening if in excess: the nutrient challenge
Nutrients like nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium are  a double-edged sword . As key components of fertilizers, they are  essential for life on Earth, but become a threat to human health and the environment when they are in excess and run off into water courses and wastewater.
Smart and for all: the city of the future is human and inclusive
Smart and for all: the city of the future is human and inclusive
From homeless, anonymous guy to TV star, at least for one day. Alexandre has appeared on French media , sitting on a bridge in Lyon, while inviting passers-by to give him money by scanning a QR Code with their smartphone .
Food sharing: From group kitchens to cutting waste, the drive for a sustainable future
Food sharing: From group kitchens to cutting waste, the drive for a sustainable future
It began with Angela Merkel. When the former German chancellor opened the borders to refugees in 2015, hundreds of thousands of Syrians and others entered. Many are now settled all over the country.
Building more, building greener. How robots can help the construction sector grow bigger and more sustainable
Building more, building greener. How robots can help the construction sector grow bigger and more sustainable
Imagine visiting a hi-tech museum and being guided by an AI robot. No, you are not experiencing a remake of the “2001.
Artificial intelligence for smarter recycling: the plastics pollution challenge
Artificial intelligence for smarter recycling: the plastics pollution challenge
When we throw a plastic bottle in the right waste container, we feel virtuous because we have done our part for the environment. However, we cannot imagine the huge effort that will be needed to ensure that our bottle is effectively recycled.
Photo from Pexels
Recovering nutrients to save the planet: the fertilizer challenge
The Earth is a sick patient, struggling to survive and feed its inhabitants.
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