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Non-invasive neuromodulation techniques - A new era for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease
Non-invasive neuromodulation techniques - A new era for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease
There is still no treatment that can reverse the effects of Parkinson’s disease , a condition estimated to affect  10 million people  worldwide.
Rapid tests for coronavirus and their accuracy
Rapid tests for coronavirus and their accuracy
Since the World Health Organisation declared  COVID-19 a pandemic , progress has been made on testing, tracing and treating people infected with the virus, and industries have developed  several vaccines in a record time.
Breast cancer: innovative 3D device to boost research on metastasis
Breast cancer: innovative 3D device to boost research on metastasis
The spread of cancer cells to other parts of the body, known as metastasis , is the main cause of cancer-related deaths. According to the US National Cancer Institute, in 2018 there were 9.
Exploring the unexpected. A chat with Paolo Dario, world-renowned pioneer of biorobotics
Exploring the unexpected. A chat with Paolo Dario, world-renowned pioneer of biorobotics
Many of the prototypes that have made the history of biorobotics worldwide are visible in a showcase set up at The BioRobotics Institute of the Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pontedera, near Pisa, Italy.
Sexism also exists in botany
Sexism also exists in botany
Urban green spaces provide several benefits beyond aesthetics. They offer shade, help to reduce pollution, offer habitat for birds and insects, a space to meet and socialise or for kids to play.
Saving lives during cancer surgery by separating the good from the bad
Saving lives during cancer surgery by separating the good from the bad
Identifying healthy from diseased tissue poses a unique problem for cancer surgeons. Even the smallest bits of a tumour left behind during surgery can regrow and spread to other organs, a deadly phenomenon called metastasising.
Protecting health by improved building efficiency
Protecting health by improved building efficiency
Home sweet home. Houses are supposed to be our nest, a shelter from the world outside. But how healthy are European homes? Nowadays most of our time is spent indoors, often at home, one reason being the current shift to “desk jobs”.
Soy filters: a cheap solution for air purification
Soy filters: a cheap solution for air purification
Researchers in the US have developed bio-based air filters that they claim can capture toxic chemicals that current filters can’t.
Household air pollution: the forgotten hazard
Household air pollution: the forgotten hazard
As air pollution is largely considered to be an outdoor problem, people are little aware of indoor contaminants . The World Health Organisation estimated that each year 4.3 million people die of exposure to household pollutants.
Simplifying hospital waste with bio-based disposables
Simplifying hospital waste with bio-based disposables
Hospitals generate huge amounts of rubbish. According to the World Health Organization , high-income countries produce up to 0.5 kg of hazardous waste per hospital bed per day.
Your future Christmas jumper could be made from smart textiles
Your future Christmas jumper could be made from smart textiles
How would you like a fancy Christmas garment embedded with sensors to measure your body movements? Or a reindeer hat that moves its horns when your heart beats faster? Don’t worry if you’re not a fan of winter festivities, because the technology behind the next generation of smart clothes is for everyone and can be woven into anything we wear.
Repairing the brain
Repairing the brain
Neurological disorders and traumas disrupt the connections between brain and body, causing paralysis for millions of people worldwide.
Challenging Darwin: an ‘evolution machine’ for biomolecules
Challenging Darwin: an ‘evolution machine’ for biomolecules
Darwin would be puzzled. He described natural selection as a slow process, selecting for the most suited organisms to a given environment.
Bacterial BioArt
Bacterial BioArt
Around 700,000 people are killed by antibiotic resistant infections in the world every year, estimates say. Antimicrobials are increasingly overused and misused, while some organisms are becoming more resistant to antibiotics.
The bacteria talk
The bacteria talk
“Let’s start from the end. Our project will not really end in our lifetime”. Puzzling as it may sound, the statement comes from Sarah Goldberg, researcher at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa, one of the leading scientific institutions in Israel.
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?
Could ‘superfoods’ stop disease?
The importance of healthy eating for our well-being is scientifically proven and having a varied diet goes without saying.
Long live your food
Long live your food
Industrial food treatment processes need to tackle bacteria that can spoil food . These microorganisms, although non-pathogenic, can make food products unpalatable and affect how long they can be stored for.
Is your home healthy? Ask the DNA
Is your home healthy? Ask the DNA
Usually associated with humid and sordid slums, mould is a frequent finding in wealthy homes too. Even the fanciest buildings may harbour hot spots where fungi and other microorganisms subtly proliferate , triggering problems that range from unpleasant smells to severe sickness.
Fighting botulism: new technique to process food
Fighting botulism: new technique to process food
Food borne botulism is a rare, but potentially fatal disease. According to the World Health Organisation the toxins that cause the illness are some of the most lethal substances known.
When indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air
When indoor air is more polluted than outdoor air
Indoor air pollution kills 4.3 million people globally every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) . The main causes are heating and cooking practices that produce high levels of toxic substances, such as fine particles and carbon monoxide.
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